Chapter 1508
"Anyway, it's a good thing to leave, I'm quiet." Seeing that the atmosphere was a little off, Su Waiwai laughed loudly.

Who knows what will happen next?At least to escape the current catastrophe, do not need to marry again, this is the most important thing.

Because the Su family drove away Yumo, they had a carnival in the small courtyard of the Su family that night, and they didn't stop playing until the early morning.

The four children of Su's family returned to the room to rest one by one. Only Su Waiwai was left sitting by the fire, staring at the flames intently. She smiled and said, "It's not easy. I finally caught up with a big devil. Liancheng, when will you come back?" Home?"

As she spoke, she looked at Baili Liancheng and straightened her expression.

If she didn't ask, this man might stay by her side for the rest of his life.

Baili Liancheng took a deep look at Suwaiwai, and said calmly, "No hurry."

Yeah, no rush, he's in no rush to leave.

That being the case, why did Su Wai Wai hurry to drive him away?

"You're not in a hurry. I'm in a hurry. Don't be like this, why don't you go now?" Su Waiwai said as she stood up, planning to see off the guests.

At this time, she doesn't need to worry about Baili Liancheng's feelings anymore.After all, it's not a matter of a day or two for her to hurt him. Instead of being ambiguous, it's better to cut the mess quickly.

She didn't believe it anymore, a man as proud as Baili Liancheng was kicked out by a woman, and he had the nerve to stay and not leave.

"I said, don't worry." Baili Liancheng's smile remained the same. He walked up to Suwaiwai, patted her on the head and said, "You performed well today, and you should do the same with other men who want to get close to you. I'll go Go to bed, and you should rest earlier."

After finishing speaking, Baili Liancheng went back to the inner room to lie down under Suwaiwai's paying attention.

Su Waiwai looked at the fire in the courtyard, and cursed in a low voice.With a wave of her hand, all the fires were extinguished, and then she went back to sleep.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't work once, she tries again, every day, she doesn't believe that she can't drive away Baili Liancheng.

With a plan in mind, Su Waiwai stopped thinking about it, and soon fell asleep.

On the second day, when Su Waiwai saw Baili Liancheng, the first sentence he said was: "When are you going home?"

This time, Baili Liancheng pretended not to hear anything, and walked away from Su Waiwai's side quickly.

After several days of trying like this, Su Wai Wai still couldn't find a breakthrough.Just when she was thinking hard, another person came suddenly.

She was sleeping soundly that night when she suddenly felt that someone was peeping at her.

She opened her eyes uncertainly, looked at the other party, and saw Ye Qing sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her with a half-smile, very horrified.

Su Waiwai was so frightened that the last bit of drowsiness disappeared, she retreated far away from Ye Qing, and when she could no longer feel the cold aura on him, she asked displeasedly: "What are you doing, breaking into a woman's room in the middle of the night?" Boudoir, don’t you know this is against common sense?” Worst of all, he even chose to break into her when she was fast asleep, to frighten her.

"You can actually drool, you're so dirty." Ye Qing looked at Su Wai Wai with a half-smile.

Su Waiwai touched the corner of her lips subconsciously, wondering if she was really drooling.Her silly appearance made Ye Qing laugh uncontrollably, and couldn't help being handsome.

It was only then that Su Waiwai realized that Ye Qing was teasing her on purpose, she immediately became angry, and kicked Ye Qing: "Smelly shameless, get out of here, wait for grandma to lose my temper, you can't bear it and walk around!"

Disgusting, she accidentally took it seriously and was embarrassed.

"Wai Wai, in order to repay your kindness, I came here to make a promise with my body." Ye Qing smiled and said seriously

(End of this chapter)

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