Chapter 1509 Offering His Heart With Both Hands

"I'm not interested in your body." Su Wai Wai said as she pulled the quilt back, intending to continue sleeping.

It's really inhumane to disturb people's dreams in the middle of the night.Coupled with the fact that she loves to sleep so much, Ye Qing's move is basically an enmity with her, she is the only one who cares about him!
"Okay, I'll be responsible for sleeping with you tonight, to repay your great kindness." Ye Qing really lifted the quilt as he spoke, and Su crookedly jumped off the bed in fright.

Su Wai Wai's beautiful eyes widened, she stared at Ye Qing and said: "Okay, don't force me to take action!!"

"Way, I mean it, suddenly I realized that you are so powerful, you helped me with everything I couldn't do, I really want to do something for you..." Ye Qing didn't finish his sentence this time. Su Waiwai made a sudden move.

The Peach Blossom Sword shot out quickly, attacking Ye Qing's face, Ye Qing hastily dodged it.One person and one sword quickly fought together.

Su Waiwai yelled from the side: "Huahua, I've worked hard for you tonight, I want to sleep, don't let anyone disturb my rest!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Peach Blossom Sword accelerated its sharp sword momentum, pressing towards Ye Qing step by step.

Ye Qing retreated step by step during the fight, when he realized it, he found that he was actually forced out of Su's small courtyard by the peach blossom sword.

He once again lamented that it's not good for a woman to be too capable, just like Su Wai Wai, getting close to her is harder than going to heaven.

When it was dawn, Ye Qing was too tired to lift his arms, he said to Taohua Jian: "Taohua, Taohua, can we stop the war? I can't do it."

He is really dying. If he keeps fighting, he will die of exhaustion sooner or later.

The Peach Blossom Sword swayed around Ye Qing's door in a mighty manner, and then rushed back to the small courtyard of Su's house, disappearing without a trace.

"What, it's just a broken sword, it's even stronger than me, the ghost king!" Ye Qing asked the sky speechlessly, feeling that he was really bad, and he was actually bullied by a fairy sword.

If it is true that what kind of master can raise what kind of sword, that virtue is the same as Su Wai Wai, which makes people love and hate.

Ye Qing sighed, and planned to take a rest, and deal with Su Wai Wai when he was full of energy.

With a plan in mind, Ye Qing went into the house and fell asleep.

On that side, Su Waiwai looked for Baili Liancheng's figure as soon as she woke up from sleep. She saw Baili Liancheng beside the embankment, and rushed in his direction: "Liancheng, when are you going home?!"

Baili Liancheng turned his head and glanced at Suwaiwai, "Have you ever thought that if you didn't chase me away, I might have left early?!" This woman keeps chasing him away all day long, how embarrassing is this for him?Even for the sake of male dignity, he couldn't leave easily.

"No wonder. If I don't drive you away, you'll hang on. You won't want to leave because I dug out your heart, right?" Su asked with a smile.

She really couldn't figure out what Baili Liancheng was thinking, she had been in Xiuxianmen for more than ten years, right?Don't you get bored?
"If you want my heart, give it to me with both hands." Baili Liancheng replied with his usual indifference.

Su Waiwai looked at Baili Liancheng's heart, and murmured: "I don't know who came up with the secret book of Alchemy Collection, but it's so heart-wrenching. I can't do such a vicious thing."

If it's a bad guy's heart, she can consider it, but she can't deal with a man as good as Baili Liancheng.

"Perhaps there is God's will in the dark, and this is the fate between me and you. Wai Wai, you can accept your fate." Baili Liancheng said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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