Chapter 1521

Ye Qing quickly grabbed Su Waiwai's hand and asked angrily, "What are you doing?!"

Su Waiwai squinted at Ye Qing and smiled, her neat and white teeth were partly visible, very pretty.

"Of course to check to see if it's a haunted turtle."

"Damn woman, if you go down with a knife, is it still alive?!" Ye Qing only felt a headache, and couldn't stand Su Wai Wai, this stupid woman.Even if you want to check, you shouldn't use a knife, right?

"Ye Qing, I discovered that there is a dark side in your subconscious. You said that it might die if I stabbed it down, did you ever think that I was just testing it out, not killing it?" Su Waiwai sneered back , waved Ye Qing's hand away.

Ye Qing opened his mouth, and it took a while to squeeze out a few words from his thin lips: "Your heart is dark!!"

He is very sunny, Su Wai Wai is unreasonable.

"Come on, I'm just going to test it out, and want to know if it's dead or alive." Su Waiwai said as he slapped the Ghostland Spirit Turtle's head with a dagger.

Just when she touched the head of the spirit tortoise, the spirit tortoise suddenly opened its slender eyes, and looked at her lazily, and looked at her with disdain.

"I'm finally sure that this is the spirit turtle you raised." Su Waiwai slapped the spirit turtle on the head with his back.

Who would have thought that the docile turtle just now opened its mouth suddenly and moved towards her, scaring Su Wai Wai to hide behind Ye Qing.

"Its temper is not very good. I usually respect it, but you still dare to bully it. I'm tired of it." Ye Qing smiled at the woman hiding behind him, subconsciously wanting to hold her hand .

Who knows that Su Wai Wai is very shrewd, before he meets him, he stays far away from him.

The four children of Su's family squatted in front of the spirit turtle, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, they were all looking at the spirit turtle, and they didn't see any tricks yet.

"I think it looks uglier than me, does the little master say so?" Xiao San observed for a long time, and expressed his opinion cheerfully.

There is finally something uglier than him in the world, and he feels that God is fair.

The tortoise seemed very dissatisfied when he heard his words, and bumped towards him with her head buried.

Xiao San didn't take this thing seriously at all, and lightly reprimanded: "I am the king of beasts, if you dare to disrespect me, I will kill your nine clans!"

Roughly put all turtles to death!

The tortoise paused. It looked at Xiao Sanyuan's rolling body for a while, then suddenly retracted its head into the tortoise shell.

Seeing its reaction, Xiao San was overjoyed, and smiled triumphantly with her hands on her hips: "I knew that I, the king of beasts, was not a fake! I usually give out my name, and it would be too frightened to move. sharp!"

"Little San, don't be too happy, the turtle thinks you have a brain problem, and doesn't want to argue with a psycho." Su Wai Wai interjected in a low voice.

As soon as she said this, the spirit turtle seemed to understand her words, and suddenly turned to look at her.

Su Wai Wai smiled: "Now you know I'm smart, don't you? Spirit Turtle, let's have a good communication, I have something to ask you."

She said squatting in front of the spirit turtle.

The spirit turtle glanced at her lazily, as if it had lost the hostility just now, Su Waiwai was relieved, and asked again: "I want to ask you how to use you to refine the Nine Revolving Pills without hurting you." Life, can you tell?"

The spirit turtle glanced at her, then crawled away, and stopped at Ye Qing's feet.

"What does it mean? Don't you bother to talk to me?" Su asked puzzledly, staring at Ye Qing, waiting for Ye Qing to clarify.

(End of this chapter)

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