Chapter 1522 Shelling the Turtle...

"It looks like it doesn't like you very much." Ye Qing said truthfully.

Spirit turtles are different people after all.So many people like Su Wai Wai, there should be some strange things that don't like Su Wai Wai, just like his ghost land turtle.

"No, I think he is obsessed with my beauty." Su Wai Wai replied calmly.

As she spoke, she suddenly came to the spirit turtle and continued the topic just now: "I tell you, if you dare to run again, I will break your limbs, peel your turtle shell, and use your meat to stew! !"

"Mother, it's too bloody, it will scare this thing." Su Xiaoer followed suit as he said, squatting side by side with Su Waiwai, staring at the spirit turtle intently.

The spirit tortoise looked at Su Xiaoer, and when Su Xiaoer saw the spirit tortoise looking at him, he couldn't help reaching out his little hand and touching its head.

The tortoise understands human nature, and it reciprocates, getting closer to Su Xiaoer so that Su Xiaoer can touch it better.

Su Wai Wai watched from the side not enjoying it.

After a while, she opened her lips and said, "I think the spirit turtle is a woman!" Not only is she a woman, but she also fell in love with her handsome young man, Su Xiaoer, otherwise why would she be so indifferent to her, but so warm to her son? fire?

"Little San is also male, why does this female spirit turtle look disgusted when she sees Xiao San?" Xiao Qing interjected.

"It's very simple, it's a female spirit turtle that likes beautiful men! With Xiaosan's figure and face, can a female spirit turtle like Xiaosan?" Su Waiwai told the truth, not afraid of hurting Xiaosan at all. Heart.

Xiaosan touched her face once, then looked at her chubby belly, and said in a low voice, "I'm very handsome, the master doesn't ask too much."

Where can I find a beast with such a good temper?What's more, he himself is noble, so he doesn't care about such an ignorant woman like Su Waiwai.

"How about this, let Xiao Ba try again." Su Wai Wai said, looking at the handsome boy Xiao Ba, and beckoning to him.

Xiaoba is eager to try, and he also wants to touch the turtle when he sees it.

He went up to the spirit turtle and touched its shell gently.The tortoise rubbed against his palm for a while, and it was obvious that he also liked the handsome Xiaoba very much.

Seeing that Xiaosan is discouraged here, Su Waiwai is also very discouraged.

As it turns out, the turtle only likes handsome guys.

"Master's mother, I want to try it too!" Seeing the excitement, Xiaoqing wondered if he would be a handsome guy.

Maybe when he comes, Su Xiaoer and Xiao Ba have to stand aside!
"You try it, you will know that you are also a big ugly man!" Su Wai Wai replied calmly, looking at Xiao Qing leisurely.

Xiaoqing didn't believe in evil, he approached the spirit turtle, and the spirit turtle gave him a lazy look.The moment Xiaoqing was about to touch it, it quickly ran away.

"Xiaoqing is a typical example of not dying until the Yellow River!" Su Waiwai sneered at Xiaoqing impatiently.

Xiaoqing wanted to refute, but felt that Su Wai Wai's words were reasonable.

Spirit turtles really only like handsome men.The handsome boy Xiaoba and the little handsome boy Su Xiaoer both like the spirit turtle, how can this thing judge a person by appearance?

"Xiao Ba, Su Xiaoer, you are in charge of communicating with this dead thing, and ask clearly how to refine the Nine Revolving Pill, and what to do so as not to hurt its life." Su Waiwai said and looked at Xiaoqing. And Xiaosan, with eyes full of sympathy: "Xiaosan Xiaoqing, it's not your fault that you are ugly, the fault is that you are ugly and self-obsessed. Even if the turtle can distinguish between beauty and ugliness, you should stop slapping your face and pretending to be a handsome boy .”

(End of this chapter)

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