Chapter 1544 Ghosts blocking the way
Seeing that Ye Qing was in a hurry, Qing'er comforted her, "Master, don't be in a hurry. Miss Su is so smart, it's impossible for something to happen!"

Ye Qing paused when he heard that, he looked at Qing'er and said, "Who said I'm worried about her? I'm worried about Huangquan!"

Qing'er couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, which made sense.

Yisu Waiwai's ability to destroy things is terrifying.The last time Su Wai Wai came to Huangquan, it made Huangquan go crazy.If Su Wai Wai came to make trouble again this time, maybe something else would happen.

"No matter what, we must dig out that dead woman as soon as possible!" Ye Qing took a deep breath, trying to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

He was afraid of Su Waiwai, and even more afraid of her making troubles. Fortunately, the fourth child of Su's family did not come to Huangquan this time, otherwise the consequences would be even more disastrous.

In this room Ye Qing was in a state of panic all day long, in that room Su Waiwai chatted with Xiao Mianren in full swing.

"Master, how about we go to Huangquan for a while?" Xiaomianren quickly thought of an idea.

"Ghost Domain is not fun, I played it last time." Su Waiwai rolled in the villain book, thinking it was just like a bed, very fun.

"But I haven't played it before. Master, take me to play for a while, just play for a while." Xiaomianren almost bowed to Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai looked at Xiaomianren for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll take you for a stroll. But we can't play for too long. When the time is up, we will leave Huangquan. Su Xiaoer and the others see me disappear, they must Very impatient."

"No problem!" Hearing this, Xiaomianren suddenly regained his energy.

Su Waiwai then published the comic book, and the little man stood on Su Waiwai's shoulder, looking around curiously.

"It turns out that the head of the ghost domain is like this." Xiaomianren walked among the ghosts, and saw the ghosts coming and going, similar to that in the human world.Like people, ghosts also have their time to rush to the market.

"Can you keep quiet?" Su Waiwai lowered her voice and laughed at the ghosts who were looking at her.

Although I am used to ghosts in the ghost domain, I still feel creepy being stared at by so many ghosts.

These ghosts are very powerful, and they can tell the difference in her at a glance.She has a lot of yang energy in her body, but the ghost does not have such a thing as yang energy.

The small-faced man hurriedly kept silent, and also saw that the ghosts were not friendly, let alone hospitable.

Not long after, many ghosts blocked Su Wai Wai's path at the same time, looking at her with ill intentions.

Su Waiwai didn't want to cause trouble, but when she saw the disgusting eyes of the ghosts, she also became angry, and shouted in a deep voice: "Get out of the way!"

"What are you doing in Huangquan by yourself?" the leading ghost asked with a smile.

"I'm here to play, can't I? If I want, I can also dismantle the ghost domain! If you are sensible, get out of the way, and make this girl mad. I will throw you guys into the eighteenth floor of hell, and you will never be reborn." !" Su Wai Wai opened her lips coldly, looking at the ghosts with disdain.

The ghosts laughed wildly when they heard the words, one of them made a direct move, wanting to absorb Su Waiwai's soul, Su Waiwai took a step back, and the Peach Blossom Sword had already stabbed at the other party.

But in the blink of an eye, Li Gui was stabbed by the Peach Blossom Sword.

The Peach Blossom Sword is very immoral, and when the mantra stabbed the ghost, the ghost let out a miserable cry.After that, it quickly turned into smoke and disappeared from the sight of the ghosts.

This sudden change stunned everyone, everyone looked at Su Waiwai in disbelief, some ghosts were frightened, some ghosts were stimulated, and clawed at Su Waiwai's face with claws and claws, wishing to tear her to pieces Duan's posture.

(End of this chapter)

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