Chapter 1545 Encountering Black and White Impermanence
All the ghosts are very powerful, but it's a pity that before they can get close to Su Waiwai's side, they are blocked by the Peach Blossom Sword.

The Peach Blossom Sword pulled out dazzling sword flowers, and all the ghosts felt that there was a flower in front of them, and they were stabbed right away.

All the ghosts stabbed by the Peach Blossom Sword will soon be wiped out.

Only then did the ghosts realize that something was wrong, they looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to get any closer to Su Wai Wai.Someone saw that the situation was not right and ran away to find help.

It didn't take long for this matter to reach Ye Qing's ears.

Ye Qing rushed to the scene, only to see all the ghosts knocked to the ground, but Su Wai Wai was nowhere to be seen.

After finding out Su Wai Wai's whereabouts, he chased in the direction Su Wai Wai left.

"I knew that Su Wai Wai was the ancestor who caused the trouble, so don't let anything happen again." Ye Qing cursed in a low voice, quickened his pace and chased after him.

Qing'er followed closely behind, comforting him: "Master, don't worry. Miss Su has a sense of propriety, and it is impossible to cause a big disaster like last time."

"You don't know that woman's destructive power. If I had known this, I wouldn't have brought her back to Huangquan for my own selfishness. How could I have known that she could even crawl out with a Horcrux?" When Ye Qing mentioned this matter, Ye Qing just couldn't help it. feel nauseous.

I thought it was a sure thing, but let the woman run away.

"Master, don't worry, it's important to find Miss Su right now." Qing'er couldn't persuade her anymore, so she had to turn to the topic.

Ye Qing stopped talking nonsense.He was the one who brought this woman into the ghost realm, and he had to find her in the shortest possible time and send her back to the human realm.

After Su Waiwai and Xiaomianren gave the ghosts a run for their money, they went all the way unimpeded, and the ghosts hid when they saw Su Waiwai.The small-faced man took the opportunity to stand proudly on Su Waiwai's shoulders to the ghosts, and only felt that it was very majestic to be by Su Waiwai's side.

They soon arrived in front of a gloomy mansion, and Su Waiwai stood in front of the house watching curiously.

The small-faced man jumped directly off Su Wai Wai's shoulder, and entered the mansion before Su Wai Wai could speak.

Su Waiwai followed closely behind, and saw that the mansion was empty, as if there were no ghosts living there.

"Waste, such a beautiful view, I can't see half a ghost." Su Waiwai ran to the pavilion, sat down, and looked at the beautiful scenery around him curiously.

Yangliu Yiyi, as well as small bridges and flowing water, are like a legendary paradise.

"Master, what exactly is this place?" The little man asked, jumping on Su's crooked thigh, unable to see why.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Su Wai Wai replied lazily, planning to take a good rest.

Unexpectedly, the Peach Blossom Sword appeared without her summoning, and shot out of the pavilion.

Su Waiwai looked curiously, where the Peach Blossom Sword Qi went, a wisp of black smoke and a wisp of white smoke gradually appeared.Black Smoke and Peach Blossom Sword fought together, after fifteen minutes, Peach Blossom Sword finally gained the upper hand, broke out the entanglement of two smokes, and flew back to Su Wai Wai.

The two smokes gradually turned into human figures, Su Waiwai saw the miserable face of the other party clearly, and thoughtfully said: "You should be the legendary black and white impermanence, right? Did you just want to sneak attack on this girl, this is what you are doing Is it?"

Peach Blossom Sword will not use moves to hurt people for no reason, it must be because it feels inappropriate to use the sword.

"No one has ever dared to enter the Palace of Death, you are tired of work!" Black and White Wuchang replied at the same time, the voice seemed to come from one person.

Su Waiwai looked coldly at the impermanence of black and white, and replied with a fake smile: "I just saw that the house here is big, so I came in to see the novelty, and I'm leaving now."

(End of this chapter)

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