Chapter 1547 Trapped in the Palace of Death
"It's funny, it's not that I want to come to your ghost domain this time, it's you who brought me here regardless of my wishes. These people want to kill me, so is it possible that I'm going to be killed by them obediently?" Su Wai Wai replied coldly, Pushing Ye Qing away, wanting to leave the Palace of Death.

Unexpectedly, she had just reached the door when she was blocked back by a force.

She didn't believe in evil, and she broke into the entrance of the hall again, but she was bounced back soon.

"It's useless to try again. Impermanence is dead, we won't be able to leave this hall so easily." Ye Qing opened his lips coldly.

"Why is it difficult for us to leave the Palace of Death after they are dead?" Su asked puzzledly.What is the reason for this? Is it possible that after the black and white impermanence is wiped out, the ghosts still linger?
"It's easy for ordinary people to come in, but difficult to get out. This palace of the dead is their house. If you want to leave, you need their consent. You're better off, just kill them!" Ye Qing said with a long sigh.

He had never seen Bi Suwaiwai's most trouble-making woman, but in a short while, he killed two of his right-hand men.

"It's because they bully people too much. They always want to kill me and ruin my Huahua. If it were you, would you still be polite?" After Su Waiwai finished speaking, she was not in a hurry.

It doesn't matter, anyway, she is not in a hurry to leave, with Ye Qing here, he is the king of ghosts, there is no reason to be trapped in the palace of death for a lifetime.

"Is it reasonable for you to kill black and white impermanence?" Ye Qing was so angry that his throat was smoking, and he stared angrily.

Su Wai Wai Wai Wai smiled and lifted her lips: "Of course, I have a reason anytime!"

"You should think about how to leave the Palace of Death now!" Ye Qing walked into the gazebo, pushed Suwaiwai away, and sat down by himself.

Su Wai Wai was almost pushed to the ground by Ye Qing, the Peach Blossom Sword came out and stabbed Ye Qing in the face.

Ye Qing was forced to leave his seat, Su Waiwai took the opportunity to go back to his seat and sit down, watching the fun from the sidelines.

Two quarters of an hour later, Ye Qing was so tired that Su Waiwai mercifully took away the Peach Blossom Sword.

She smiled and said to Ye Qing who was sulking at the side: "Lord Ghost King, tell us how we are going to leave the Palace of Death!"

She was not angry when Ye Qing caught her in Huangquan, but now she just killed his two bad men, does Ye Qing need to be serious?
"Black and White Impermanence is gone, of course we have to find two more people to stand on top. With Black and White Impermanence, they will open the Palace of Death!" Ye Qing replied coldly, unable to put on a good face towards Su Wai Wai.

"Then hurry up and find two people to take the place of Black and White Impermanence." Su Wai Wai breathed a sigh of relief when she heard it was so simple.

"Who do you think can accept black and white? They must be twins, and they have lived in Huangquan long enough, and they must be capable." Ye Qing couldn't help rushing to Su Wai Wai, and slapped her hard twice , to vent their anger.

Su Waiwai didn't have the same knowledge as Ye Qing this time, so he nodded thoughtfully: "Your words are reasonable. But, the previous black and white impermanence may not be capable, and the heart is vicious. I think you should add more One more thing, only a kind-hearted person can be in charge of black and white..." Su asked Ye Qing endlessly.

Ye Qing only thought that she was singing a hypnotic song for him, he didn't bother to pay attention to her, and confessed some things to Qing'er.

Qing'er went away in response, Su Waiwai asked in bewilderment: "Why is Qing'er able to enter and leave the Palace of Death freely?"

"Qing'er is my left and right hand, so she must have certain skills!" Ye Qing pushed Suwaiwai away with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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