Chapter 1548 The ghost king has no skills

"Qing'er can go in and out freely, but you can't, so why isn't Qing'er the ghost king, but you, an incompetent guy, what kind of ghost king?" Su asked with a smiley face.

"Uninformed woman!" Ye Qing sneered, not bothering to pay attention to Su Wai Wai.

Now he is angry, and he finds it difficult to talk to this woman for a few more words.

"Hey, why is Qinger better than you?" Su Waiwai asked Ye Qing curiously, she really wanted to know what was going on.

"She has a different physique than ordinary people. You know about locks, right? She is probably that kind of person. A place like Ghost Domain is full of dangers. She can go anywhere without hindrance, and no one dares to attack her. This is her." His ability." Ye Qing said as he pushed away the woman who got close to him.

Thinking of his left and right hands being wiped out by this woman, he felt nauseous.

Why does this woman always make trouble every time she goes to Huangquan?As if this proves that she is a capable woman.

"So that's the case, Qing'er is really capable, so can she go to other places? For example, a good place like the fairy world or the god world?" Su asked with a smile, and sat down beside Ye Qing.

Ye Qing moved away unobtrusively, then shook his head: "Just because she is unimpeded in Huangquan, doesn't mean she can go anywhere!"

"That's true. Ye Qing, being with you is so boring." Su Wai Wai said and walked away, intending to go shopping around the Palace of Death.

I always feel that there is a gloomy everywhere, and there is a cool breeze, as if there are ghosts coming out to kill people at any time.

Although the scenery is good, it makes people feel lifeless.It's unlucky to stay in this place for a while longer, and it's very likely that you will get more yin here if you are not careful.

Ye Qing took Su's crooked expression into his eyes, and probably knew the question in her heart, this time he took the initiative to explain it to her: "Every time black and white impermanence takes away a soul, it must be kept in the Hall of Death for a while. There are many people who don't want to die Now, their grievances are still in the Hall of Death. Over time, a barrier has been added to the gate of the Hall of Death, and those are the grievances left by the dead souls who were unwilling to go to the ghost domain."

"That's why I said that black and white impermanence is not a good person, they may be chaotic, otherwise why would there be so much resentment?" Su Waiwai said, and then pushed the fault to black and white impermanence.

Ye Qing only hates himself for talking too much at this moment, actually telling this woman all these things.

He simply backed away, letting Su Wai Wai think wildly.

After waiting for a full day, Qing'er returned to the Palace of Death, followed by two men who looked exactly alike.

Su Waiwai immediately stepped forward to watch, only to see that the faces of these two people were calm, and they didn't seem to be hostile.

"Hua Hua, let's see if there is any evil spirit in them." After Su Wai Wai finished speaking, she backed away, and the Peach Blossom Sword flew in front of the twins.

The twins saw the Peach Blossom Sword dangling in front of them, and the two brothers looked at each other, not knowing why.

"Okay, let's put away the sword? Even if it's a fairy sword, it's impossible to tell if it has any evil spirit!" Ye Qing looked at it from the side, annoyed and funny, and said crookedly to Su.

Su Waiwai lightly raised her plain hand, and the Peach Blossom Sword returned to her hand, her red lips parted lightly: "That's not necessarily the case. At least Huahua didn't engage in fighting just now, which proves that the two brothers are not bad people. Hurry up, Ye Qing, I'll wait." Get out of this damn place."

She said she made way, and waited for Ye Qing to seal the twins as black and white, so that she could leave the palace of death smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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