Chapter 1550
"Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude!" Su Waiwai looked coldly at the ghosts blocking his way.He secretly thought that there was nothing in the ghost domain, but there were many ghosts, and there were so many of them.

Thinking back, she used to be afraid of ghosts, but thinking about it now is ridiculous.

All the ghosts didn't speak, they just blocked Su crooked way.Their purpose is to delay time, wait for Ye Qing to arrive.

Su Waiwai didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, she held the sword and was about to stab the ghosts, Ye Qing had already rushed to the scene during this delay.

"Waiwai, don't fight again, you're doing evil, it's not good for your practice." Ye Qing stood in front of Suwaiwai, and opened his lips in a cold voice.

Su Waiwai sneered and sneered: "Then tell me, who forced me to commit murder?" If Ye Qing hadn't forced her to the ghost domain, why would she have the same knowledge as a group of ghosts?
Ye Qing was about to answer, but suddenly a servant girl rushed over and listened to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing raised his brows lightly, then his eyes fixed on Su Wai Wai's body.

Su Waiwai saw it clearly, and asked happily: "Did Su Xiaoer and the others come?"

Otherwise, how could Ye Qing look at her with such complicated eyes?

"It's useless for the little guy to come, if I don't let him go, you won't even think about leaving Huangquan!" Ye Qing took one more look at Suwaiwai, then left with a sigh.

Su Waiwai followed closely behind, planning to go to the Ghost King Hall to see if her filial son came to rescue her.

"As soon as the little master comes, I will fall out of favor again." The little face man who has been bored in the space of Nomad Dreams sighed, and decided to return to the comic book and continue to sleep.

Anyway, Xiaorenshu is its home, and there is no need to go out if there is nothing to do.

It's a pity that it is a small person, and the Su family is still lively, and its sense of existence is really bad.Amidst the Xiaomianren's long and short sighs, Su Waiwai quickly followed Ye Qing back to the Ghost King Palace.

"Mother!!" Su Waiwai had just approached the Ghost King Hall, when a small figure rushed towards her.

Su Waiwai stepped back two steps before catching the little guy, and laughed again and again: "Xiaoer Su, do you miss me?"

"I want to die, I'm thinking about it in my dreams." Su Xiaoer muffled in Suwaiwaiwai's arms, and replied in a muffled voice.

He had never tried to be separated from Su Wai Wai for such a long time before, these few days passed like years, and in the end Baili Liancheng took them to Huangquan to find someone.

Sure enough, it was Ye Qing who took his mother away.

"I miss my master too!" Another spirit beast rushed towards Su, it was Xiao San who was smiling so hard that he couldn't see his eyes.

Su looked sideways at Xiaosan and said, "You miss the elixir I made, don't you?"

Xiaosan laughed happily, that's true, he missed the elixir more.When he eats the elixir, he will become a handsome man.He had waited too long for this day.

"I know you have no conscience." Su Waiwai said, looking at Baili Liancheng who was standing side by side with Ye Qing, took Su Xiaoer's little hand to Baili Liancheng and said, "It must be you who brought them Are you here?"

Based on the Su family's fourth elementary school, they definitely don't have such abilities, and only Baili Liancheng has the ability to come to Huangquan.

"They all said they wanted to find you, so I brought them here." Baili Liancheng replied with a faint smile.

"Troubleshooting!" Ye Qing was displeased.Baili Liancheng couldn't see Su Wai Wai getting close to him?In his opinion, Baili Liancheng is the most insidious.If you don't make a move, that's all. If you make a move, it will definitely cause sabotage. Maybe Baili Liancheng wants to take Su Waiwai away, and also wants to get Su Waiwai.

(End of this chapter)

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