Chapter 1551 Another Love Debt

Su Waiwai ignored Ye Qing directly, and smiled at Baili Liancheng: "Liancheng, let's go."

Of course, Baili Liancheng had no objection, and wanted to leave with the entire Su family.

Seeing this, Ye Qing was even more dissatisfied, he suddenly jumped to block Su Wai Wai's way: "You stay, others can go!"

"My surname is Ye, don't bully me too much!" Su Waiwai said with cold eyes and angry eyes.

Ye Qing hadn't settled the matter with him about her being forcibly taken to Huangquan, yet he still had the face to stop her.Smelly man, do you really think she is easy to bully? !

"I'm just bullying you, I said you are not allowed to leave, you can't leave Huangquan!" Ye Qing said with a gloomy face, every single word.

"Are you sure? Let me tell you, you won't get any good if you stay with me. I will tear down your ghost domain and turn it upside down!" Su Waiwai's small face darkened, not joking.

If Ye Qing forced her to do something she didn't want to do, she would tear down the ghost domain.

"Wai Wai, don't say such bad things." Baili Liancheng saw this and lowered his voice.

"This is what he forced me to do. Is it possible that I will be imprisoned by him in Huangquan for the rest of my life, and I can't resist?" Su asked back with a frown.

She is not the kind of woman who is oppressed and doesn't resist, she pissed her off, she set fire to Ye Qing's territory.

"He also likes you, otherwise he wouldn't have brought you here in the worst way." Baili Liancheng said and looked at Ye Qing, in fact he could understand Ye Qing's thoughts.

Because he also had such evil thoughts.If you take Su Waiwai away, at least you don't need to watch her rise step by step until she becomes a fairy.

In fact, this woman is not a thing in the pool, the human world cannot trap her, she will go to the fairy world one day, this is an unchangeable fact.

Su Wai Wai heard this and looked at Ye Qing, Ye Qing couldn't hold back his face, and shouted loudly: "How could I like this woman who doesn't know what to do?!"

After he finished speaking, he walked away quickly, the aftertaste of Ye Qing's roar remained in the air.

Su Wai Wai was stunned on the spot, watching Ye Qing's back getting further and further away, then frowned.

She never felt that Ye Qing liked her before, after all Ye Qing liked to fight against her.At this moment, she suddenly felt that Ye Qing liked her.Ye Qing doesn't like women very much, and he has a bad temper. The first time she messed up Purgatory, and the second time she killed his impermanence, he just verbally reprimanded her.

If he didn't like her, why did he force her to stay in Huangquan?
This is where the problem lies.

It was precisely because he couldn't let go of her that Ye Qing used the worst method.In fact, she knew it subconsciously, but she didn't want to think about it deeply.

It seems that if she doesn't want to, she doesn't need to face the affection of one more man.

"Liancheng, let's go." Su Waiwai said weakly.

No one likes her, she pays attention to owe a love debt, and she will never pay it off in this life.

"Do you want to wait for Ye Qing again? If he doesn't see you when he comes back, he might be angry again." Baili Liancheng turned his head to look in the direction Ye Qing left just now, maybe Ye Qing didn't go far, just stood in the dark and watched Su crooked.

"Don't wait, he is still angry when he sees me. He is right, I am the ancestor who caused the trouble, so just treat him as sorry for him." Su Wai Wai said and hugged Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer didn't dare to make a sound, after all, this is his mother's muddled love account, and he, a child, can't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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