Chapter 1565 Xiaoqing who embraces left and right (2)

"Uh, it turned out to be the master's mother, no wonder she is so domineering and beautiful," Xiaoqing hurriedly pushed away the two female cultivators who were in her arms, and stood in front of Suwaiwai at a loss: "Master's mother ,I did not do it on purpose!"

"Didn't you do it on purpose? With so many women, can you handle it alone?" Su Wai Wai asked gloomily.

Xiaoqing, who should be listed, is tired of work, and she promised well a quarter of an hour ago. In the blink of an eye, she dared to mess with men and women in front of the house. She wished she could tear this guy up.

"Master, it's really not my fault. They chased me when they saw me, and they chased me to the door by accident. They all wanted to throw themselves into my arms. I didn't know how to refuse, and I was afraid they would cry, so I just This is a small way to comfort them..." Xiaoqing defended in a low voice.

Only now do I know that being too good-looking is also a kind of distress, so many beauties want to marry him, if he doesn't treat them better, he will have a bad conscience.

"You bastard, how dare you talk back?!" Su Wai Wai was furious, rushed to Xiao Qing and kicked him hard.

"As long as you don't hit me in the face, I can accept it." Xiao Qing silently accepted Su Wai Wai's feet and sighed.

As soon as he finished speaking, an ugly-looking spirit beast suddenly appeared in front of him. The other party pointed at his handsome face and pinched it. It was very, very cruel!
Xiaosan and Xiaoqing fought together quickly, and they rolled on the ground, fighting in full swing.

Seeing this, Su Waiwai yelled from the side: "Little San, yes, kill this philandering carrot! I hate men philandering the most in my life, Xiaoqing can't do without a lesson!!"

With Suwaiwai's permission, Xiaosan increased the strength of her hands, aimed at Xiaoqing's face and pinched fiercely.

All the female cultivators were dumbfounded. To be honest, the Su family is really a bit violent, everyone is like a wolf and a tiger, even the mistress of the Su family is not normal.

When her own family was fighting, she didn't try to persuade the fight, but added fuel to the fight. How could there be any reason to be a parent like this?

Xiao San and Xiao Qing were fighting in full swing, Su Wai Wai looked coldly at the female cultivators who were standing aside, and said coldly: "Have you finished watching the excitement? Get out of here!!"

The female nuns looked at each other, you pushed me, I pushed you, and then left the small courtyard of Su's house.They walked far away and saw the spectacular scene of Xiaoqing and Xiaosan wrestling together, and heard Xiaoqing's angry scream of "don't hit me in the face" from time to time.

Half an hour later, Xiao Qing, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, sat aside embarrassingly, complaining sadly: "This family is too violent, I want to protest!"

This is not a place for people to stay, not only the dictatorship, but also the cruel mistress, who can't live anymore.

"Your protest is invalid." Suwaiwai replied in a low voice: "Xiaoqing, let me say it again, you are not allowed to mess with men and women! Not so many women!"

"I said it wasn't my fault, it was they who wanted to throw themselves into my arms, and there was nothing I could do about it." Xiao Qing kicked Xiao San angrily.It was this guy who ruined half of his handsome face, and it has been difficult to recruit women in the past two days.

"I have a way to help you solve the problem, do you want to listen to it?" Su Waiwai smiled instead of anger, with malicious intentions.

"Yes!" Xiaoqing had no doubt about it.

"It's very simple, eunuch yourself, all troubles will be relieved, then I will not ask how many women you have." Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai looked at Xiao Qing with a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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