Chapter 1566 Su Baby Frozen (1)

Xiaoqing was speechless, subconsciously looking at a certain important part of herself.Su Waiwai was really ruthless enough to want to castrate him, and he was out of his mind, how could he do such a cruel thing to himself?
That night, Xiaoqing had a nightmare. The dream was full of horrible scenes of Su Wai Wai chasing after him with a knife.

In order to prevent Xiaoqing from happening again, the next day Suwaiwai announced that everyone would retreat together.

Also because of Xiaoqing's battle, Ling Suwaiwai doubted whether their retreat would be effective.The elixir of partial birth has already been taken, and it is impossible to find other elixirs and try again.

Only to bite the bullet and continue to practice, Xiaoqing just changed his shape, and he really didn't want to waste his beauty, so he suggested to Su Wai Wai whether he could retreat later.

"It doesn't matter if you are late, we will all ascend by then, and you will be left to pick up girls slowly in the world of cultivating immortals. Anyway, you like to be a playboy." A small courtyard.

Xiaoqing glanced at the many beautiful female cultivators standing not far from the small courtyard of Su's family, and couldn't help lamenting that her life was miserable.With such a handsome appearance, he doesn't even have a concubine to warm the bed.I'm afraid that in the sky, the fairy's vision is higher than that of the tripod, and she will dismiss him when she sees him.

After sighing for a long time, Xiaoqing reluctantly returned to Su's house and continued to retreat.

Time passed silently, the Su family was practicing indoors, while Baili Liancheng was guarding outside the garden.

As time passed, the small courtyard of Su's family suddenly became lively.

First Ye Qing came to Xiuxianmen, then Su Fu also came, and not long after, even Xia Hou, who hadn't shown his face for a long time, also came.

They all waited patiently outside the small courtyard of Su's house, knowing that soon there would be a happy event in Su's house.Of course, it was a happy event for the Su family, and they didn't want Su Waiwai to leave the human world so soon.

When that woman becomes a fairy, they want to see her, how hard is it? !
Su Waiwai, who was in the closed room, felt that his whole body was light and light, and he was full of aura with all his strength, as if he had inexhaustible aura.

She looked through the Nascent Soul in her body, and saw that she was smiling, with ethereal eyes, sitting on top of the colorful flowers, just like the fairy in the legend.

She vaguely knew that her good days were coming soon, because the spiritual energy all over her body shot up, traveling through every meridian in her body.

When the time comes, it will be a good time for her to ascend into the sky.

I thought it was a matter of course, but at this time, something happened to the other members of the Su family.

She always has the feeling that someone is watching her, and is close to her.

Su Waiwai couldn't stand being watched from such a close distance, she opened her eyes suspiciously, and saw a golden boy standing in front of her, wasn't it Su Xiaoer?

"Mother, I'm not feeling well..." Su Xiaoer shivered as he spoke.

Su Wai's heart froze, and when he touched Su Xiaoer's little hand, it was as cold as iron, as if there was no temperature, and Su Xiaoer was so cold that he shivered, and even his breath was misty.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Waiwai hastily hugged Su Xiaoer who was shivering from the cold, trying to pass his body temperature to Su Xiaoer.

But Su Xiaoer's body was shaking more and more violently, his teeth were chattering, and the cold sweat that flowed from his face quickly condensed into ice cubes.

Su Waiwai was helpless, hurriedly took several quilts and wrapped Su Xiaoer tightly.

Strangely, the quilt that wrapped Su Xiaoer quickly condensed into ice, but Su Xiaoer was surrounded by ice cubes in the middle...

(End of this chapter)

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