Chapter 1574 Transformation of the Last Dream Space
From this day on, Xiaosan, who used to talk about transformation, never mentioned the word "transformation" again.He even hopes that he will not transform in this life and just be a spirit beast. At least as Su Waiwai said, he is still a cute spirit beast.

If he wasn't afraid that he would not be able to survive the catastrophe, he would simply not retreat.

The whole family of the Su family is in seclusion, only Xiao San is drying fish for three days and casting nets for two days. Every two days in seclusion, he has to come out to get some fresh air, pick some fruits to eat, and watch the beautiful scenery of the Last Dream Space again.

One day, he was sitting under the peach blossom tree chatting with the peach blossoms when he suddenly felt cool.

"Could it be that the weather is about to change?" Xiaosan murmured to herself, still feeling a little cold.

"Sister Taohua, I'm going into the house, do you want to accompany me? It's lonely by myself!" Xiaosan said to Taohua.

Of course Taohua couldn't respond to him, and he didn't respond, so he rushed into the room.

Just when he was about to enter the house, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

There is no sky and no natural things in the Space of Last Dream, how can it feel cold?

And at the moment when he turned around just now, he always felt that something was wrong with the Space of Last Dream...

Xiaosan looked back suspiciously, and looked at Lingcaodi.

Then, he opened his mouth wide and petrified in place.

"Master, it's terrible!!" It took a long time for Xiaosan to recover her voice, and immediately looked for Su Wai Wai.

Su Wai Wai is retreating, trying to pretend that she doesn't hear what Xiao San said.

What's the matter?It's just half a test. As for another incident in a few days?
"Master, it's terrible, something serious happened in the Realm of Last Dream!!" Xiaosan slammed on the door of Su Waiwai's room and said loudly.

Su Wai Wai heard the words "Last Dream Space", and suddenly opened her eyes wide. This time, she couldn't help but pretend.

She quickly went out of the room, and asked in a deep voice: "What happened to the Space of Last Dreams, what are you doing if you don't retreat to see the Space of Last Dreams?!"

If something happened, it might be caused by Xiaosan. This guy doesn't have a day to worry about.

"The master will know it when he sees it. I don't have the ability to do it, and for some reason, something big happened suddenly!" Xiao San said while pulling Su Wai Wai out of the room.

Su Waiwai didn't take it seriously, the moment she left the room, she was shocked by the spectacular scene in front of her.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Su Waiwai was dazed for a long time before she could speak, staring at the front in a daze in disbelief.

The splendor of the lingcaoling is more and more eye-catching, this is not the point, the point is that there is a sky and clouds in the Space of Last Dream, and the sun is shining brightly.

On the right of Lingcao, there is another waterfall pouring down from the mountain.

This place is like a fairyland, full of aura, even the various spiritual fruits they planted are more aura than in the past, and the fragrance is overflowing.

"If I knew, what would I do with the master?" Xiaosan was also dumbfounded, never expecting that the Space of Nomad Dreams would one day become so big, so beautiful, as beautiful as a dream.

At the moment when Su Waiwai and Xiao San were acting stupid, Xiao Ba appeared beside them holding Su Xiaoer's hand.

Xiao Ba said thoughtfully: "In my opinion, this may be the so-called Immortal Mansion. Master, the Space of Last Dream will be our family's Immortal Mansion from now on."

"Immortal mansion? Isn't it necessary to become an immortal to have a fairy mansion?" Su asked puzzledly.

Immortal mansion should be outside, right?
"Only in the Immortal Realm will the Last Dream Space turn into a real Immortal Mansion, and now it is still a portable space." Xiaoba said again.

(End of this chapter)

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