Chapter 1575

"The Immortal Mansion has taken shape in the human world, which proves that the master's cultivation has reached the realm of the immortal family. The portable space and the master's cultivation in the portable space are inseparable. The master's ascension is just around the corner!" Xiao Ba's voice was high, rarely showing excitement .

"Don't be too happy too early, I think it's too much. Xiao San, you don't practice, what are you doing out here?" Su Waiwai said and looked at Xiao San.

Xiaosan must not have retreated, otherwise how would he know that the dimension of Last Dream has changed drastically?
"I'm in a hurry to urinate, and it's like this when I come out." Xiaosan avoids Su Wai Wai's gaze, daring not to tell the truth.

He hopes that everyone will cultivate slowly, so that he can transform slowly. If he turns into an extremely ugly man in the future, he may not be able to survive.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go back to practice again! Xiaosan, stay here, I have something to tell you." Su Waiwai said and looked at Xiaosan.

The guy has nothing on his mind and is an optimist.If he doesn't want to practice, it must be what she said before that bothers him.

Su Xiaoer and Xiao Ba went back to the original place to retreat together, while Su Waiwai took Xiao San's hand and sat down beside the Lingcao, and said softly: "The appearance of a person is not the most important thing, even if you become an ugly man, She is still the cutest mistress. The most urgent thing is to retreat."

Xiao San's face fell when she heard the words: "I want to be a handsome man." He has been laughed at for 200 years, how can he become an ugly man again, so that people have the opportunity to make fun of him again?

What's more, in the fairy world, everyone is a fairy figure. If he looks too ugly, he will definitely not be able to hold his head up and be a fairy.

"Listen to me, this thing is innate, and there is no way to force it. I think my Xiaosan is the cutest and most handsome, even Xiaoqing can't compare. Xiaosan, start practicing seriously today, otherwise we will all be together by then. Feisheng, but you are still staying in the human world, what should we do?" Su Wai Wai Wai Wai said softly.

"Master, the chance of me turning into a beautiful man is very small, isn't it?" Xiao San looked at Su Wai Wai pitifully and asked, "I want to hear the truth."

"Indeed. But, there are surprises everywhere in life, maybe you are an exception." Su Wai Wai replied truthfully.

Xiaosan's body has always been special, it is not impossible for this guy to turn decay into magic.

"I know you are comforting me. Well, I will practice seriously and stop thinking about it. Even if the future is ugly, I will be the most powerful king of beasts, and I will speak with my strength!" Xiaosan said proudly Loudly.

Su Wai Wai Wai Wai laughed, thinking that this is the real mistress, with domineering aura.

The two masters and servants chatted for a while before they dispersed and began to retreat.

Xiaosan stopped thinking about it that day and concentrated on retreating.

Time passed bit by bit, he had no distractions, the air flow of the whole body flowed smoothly in the body, at the beginning he felt a bit heavy, but later, the body seemed to lose weight and had reached an ethereal state.

As for Baili Liancheng, they waited patiently in the small courtyard of Su's family, just waiting for the family of Su's family to come out of retreat.

Because everyone is a person with a background, so many people from the four realms came to serve their masters.In this way, more and more people piled up, and the small courtyard of Su's family became a small busy market, overcrowded.

On this day, the kings of the four realms were playing chess, and their maids were serving them at the side. The scene was silent, only the sound of Ziluo.At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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