Chapter 1581

"Master wants to abandon me to become a fairy, I don't agree!!" Xiaosan suddenly stretched out his arms, picked up Xiaoqing, and held Xiaoqing in his hand so that Xiaoqing could look at him at the same level, and let Xiaoqing see clearly in his eyes. anger.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they didn't expect Xiao San's arms to be able to stretch freely.

Xiaoqing also looked at Xiaosan stupidly, and asked in puzzlement: "How can your arms stretch freely?"

Xiao San was stunned when he heard the words, he looked at his terrifying long arms, and was dumbfounded: "Yes, why?"

Everyone almost fainted when they heard these words, but Xiao Qing was ready to be left behind by Xiao San at any time.

Xiaoqing was ready, and Xiaosan's arm retracted to its original shape.

Xiao Qing calmly broke free from Xiao San's arm, and gracefully floated down to the ground, attracting applause from the crowd, especially the screams from the female cultivators.

This time Xiaoqing was not dazzled by the screams and applause, he would always remember the ugly faces of these women.Without even looking at the girls, he paced back into the room.

Xiao San was still struggling with why his arm suddenly stretched freely. After that, he tried several times, but there was still no response.

Baili Liancheng saw it clearly from the side, he flew up, looked at Xiao San in mid-air, smiled and opened his lips: "Little San, you have the ability, but you don't know how to use it. It's like before you can stretch your arms by yourself but don't know why , why don't you follow your heart? Think more about what you need most now, maybe you will gain something."

"Of course I want to shrink a little bit, and I will be petrified if I stand any longer." Xiaosan replied discouragedly.

The last thing I want, of course, is the transformation.

"Yeah, think about what you want. You have a problem now, you don't want to change form, but the problem is that you are stuck here and have to change form, so this situation has come into being." Baili Liancheng The smile on his face deepened, and he felt that this was the problem.

Observing him recently, he found that Xiaosan didn't want to change form, he resisted because he was afraid of turning into an ugly man.

But now Xiao San's body has reached the stage of transformation, and this is where the contradiction lies.

Su Waiwai, who was hiding in the room and eavesdropping, ran out when she heard this, she drove away all the spectators, then flew to Xiao San's shoulder and sat down, gently touched his round face and said, "Lian Cheng is right. No matter how obsessed you are with being ugly or beautiful, no matter how ugly you are, you will still be the cutest mistress in my family. To be honest, I am not used to the day when you will become a super handsome man. Mistress, stop being stubborn."

"I'm afraid I'm even uglier than now." Xiao San leaned her head on Su Wai Wai's shoulder, but because her head was too big, she almost didn't crush Su Wai Wai.

"Idiot, how do you know that you are uglier than now? I think, you may become a handsome man. Even if you don't become too beautiful, I can refine the beauty pill to make you even more beautiful than Xiaoqing!" Su Wai Wai patted his chest lightly, and replied proudly.

"Master, let's brag, if Xiaosan is prettier than me, I'll throw myself into the river!!" Xiaoqing hurriedly said loudly after hearing this.

He didn't believe that Xiaosan looked better than him after taking shape, and Xiaosan's aptitude didn't matter.

"Will you die if you don't say a word?" Su Xiaoer went to Xiaoqing's side, kicked him, and lowered his voice.

I don't want Xiao Qing's words to irritate Xiao San, Xiao San put her hands on her hips triumphantly and smiled: "Xiao Qing, just wait and see, one day I want to see you throw yourself into the river, then don't deny it!!"

(End of this chapter)

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