Chapter 1582

"Don't worry, you have no chance in this life to let me throw myself into the river!" Xiaoqing replied disdainfully, not believing that Xiaosan could surpass herself at all.

It's not that he is narcissistic, there are few good-looking men like him in the world, except for those stunning women who chased after Su's mistress, and their family's Xiaoba, who can compare to him?

"Just to surpass you and watch you throw yourself into the river, I want to become a beautiful man!" Xiaosan said, smiling up to the sky, and let out a long cry: "I want to change shape, I want to become a beautiful man!!!"

His voice was deafening, it spread from the small courtyard of the Su family to the whole city.

The people who were close were knocked to the ground by Xiaosan's voice, the Su family members and Baili Liancheng and other masters remained silent, and the others with low cultivation were all shaken uncomfortably.

As soon as Xiao San finished speaking, his body transformed into a multicolored ray of light, and everyone felt a blur in front of them, and there was no sign of Xiao San in front of them.

"Mother, Xiaosan is there!!" Su Xiaoer pointed to the sky and shouted excitedly.

Su Wai Wai followed the sound and saw Xiao San flying in mid-air, his wings were dazzling, leaving a beautiful silhouette where he flew.

"Wow, Xiao San's body seems to have changed." Su Waiwai was also very excited, staring at Xiao San's direction intently.

Su Xiaoer nodded, feeling that Su Wai Wai's words made sense.

As soon as Su Wai Wai finished speaking, Xiao San swooped down and soon disappeared.

Su's mother and son hurriedly followed, and the others also rushed forward to watch the fun.

Not long after, they saw Xiaosan playing in the river by the river.Seeing that his body had a dazzling tail out of thin air, everyone was stunned. Before they could see clearly, Xiao San had already soared up from the river.

Everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and there was no sign of Xiaosan in front of them.

Su Waiwai hurriedly chased Xiaosan in the direction she was flying. She flew in mid-air to chase, but she saw that Xiaosan suddenly had brightly colored quadrupeds, her tail disappeared, and even her wings disappeared.

Xiao San's speed was extremely fast, and Su Wai Wai Wai Wai chased after him, a bit unable to keep up with Xiao San's footsteps.

Just when she was hesitating whether to stop Xiao San, Xiao San's speed finally slowed down.The strangest thing was that his body was stretching and deforming rapidly.

"Mother, Xiaosan is going to transform." Su Xiaoer rushed to Su Waiwai's side and whispered, fearing that the loud voice would interrupt Xiaosan's transformation.

The others arrived one after another, and Xiao Qing and Xiao Ba rushed to Su's mother and son at the same time, wanting to know what Xiao San would become after being transformed.

In fact, Xiaoqing was not nervous at all, he just said, it is impossible for Xiaosan to become beautiful, that guy is so ugly that he is so virtuous, it would be strange if he could become beautiful.

"Don't block my line of sight." Su Wai Wai unscrewed Xiao Qing displeasedly, and happily took the best position, with a good viewing angle, not bad.

Su Xiaoer followed suit and pushed Xiaoqing behind her.

"Just look at it, anyway, Xiaosan is an ugly man, and the transformation is not a surprise." Xiaoqing felt uncomfortable.When he transformed, the Su mother and son were so excited, people who didn't know thought it was their own transformation.

Little San's life is really good, he is obviously ugly, but he can always gather thousands of pets in him, which makes him jealous.

"It's going to transform!!" Su Xiaoer screamed, a little excited.

Su Waiwai hurriedly covered the little guy's mouth, and it was only then that Su Xiaoer realized his gaffe.Both mother and son held their breath, looking at the slowly changing mistress...

(End of this chapter)

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