Chapter 1585 The Feminine Mistress

"It's strange, why is my beast body different from before?!" Xiao San looked at herself puzzled.

Su Waiwai touched Xiao San's colorful wings curiously, and said excitedly: "Little San, spread your wings and let me have a look!" It is very rare to change back into a beast after being in human form.

Xiaosan spread his wings as he said, and the moment he spread his wings, the splendor was dazzling, and just one wing could cover everyone under his wings.

The members of the Su family said "wow" several times, expressing their exclamation.Only Xiaoqing looked at Xiaosan angrily, this guy ate so many good things, he almost ate all the treasures in the Space of Lost Dreams, if he still dares to be incompetent, he should be punished by God.

Xiao San saw that everyone had had enough fun, so she continued to torture her body.

With a thought, he transformed into a human form.

After turning into a human form, he immediately ran to the edge of the pool to look at himself, only to see that his face was still the same without any change.

Unwilling, he turned into a beast again. This time, he turned into a four-legged beast with purple hair, which was majestic and majestic, and the beast was very beautiful. This was Su Waiwai's opinion.

If there was any doubt before, now Su Wai Wai firmly believes that Xiao San is the legendary king of beasts.

After tossing around for several times, Xiaosan found that she could transform into any spirit beast, flying in the air, running on the ground, or even swimming in the water, but she just couldn't change her human form.

"I'm dazzled, I know you are very capable, don't change again, annoying!" Xiaoqing said angrily, and then walked weakly to the small courtyard of Su's house.

"Xiaoqing, I remember you said you were going to jump into the river to commit suicide, I'll wait for you to jump into the river and commit suicide!" Xiaosan shouted towards Xiaoqing's back.

That bastard Xiaoqing forced him to change form, if he persisted, he might not be what he is now.

He still likes Xiaoqing's face, and wonders if he can change his face to live with Xiaoqing.

"Little San, you look so good-looking, I love you so much!" Just as Xiao San was thinking wildly, Su Waiwai suddenly pounced on him, hugged him and kissed him fiercely.

Xiaosan passively endured Su Waiwai's enthusiasm for a while, and then replied with a bitter face: "Master, please comfort me. I'm not a three-year-old child, and I'm not as innocent as my little master. Master's few words can't fool me. I look like a It's too feminine, I don't like it!"

He is clearly the king of beasts, how can he be so beautiful, what is the difference between him and a woman?There is no power to say it.

"It's fine if I like it." Su Wai Wai disapproved.

Her wish is to raise a girl in Su's family, now that Xiaosan has become like this, she can fulfill her wish, and will simply raise Xiaosan as a girl in the future.

"Master, how can you do this?" Xiaosan gave Su a stern look, and then rushed forward with heavy steps.

"Little San, you haven't put on any clothes yet, and you've been seen all over. There must be many women who are willing to take responsibility for you!" Su Waiwai shouted at Xiao San's back holding back a smile.

Xiao San paused, and he looked at himself, only to realize that he was indeed naked. At this moment, many people ran towards him.

Xiaosan hastily turned into a huge sparrow and flew up the branch.

"I heard that little three has transformed, where is she?" The first female cultivator arrived panting, and asked Su Wai Wai.

(End of this chapter)

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