Chapter 1586

Su Wai Wai pointed at the branch, and when everyone looked at it, they saw a huge sparrow nesting among the branches.

"Little San turned into a sparrow?!" the nun asked dumbfounded.

"My mistress is shy, everyone go away, and let him formally meet everyone next time when mistress is fully dressed." Su Waiwai smiled and replied.

Knowing that Xiao San is a very good-looking and very special handsome man, she feels very relieved, God has treated her kindly, and finally granted her wish.

Everyone was happy to see Su Wai Wai, they only thought that the little three was not so ugly after the transformation, but they also aroused more curiosity, wondering what the little three can turn into.

When everyone was far away, Su Waiwai went up to pick up Xiaosan and threw him into the Realm of Remaining Dreams.

Xiaosan wanted to find Xiaoqing's clothes to wear, but Su Waiwai said she was in no hurry.

"Master's motherly smile is so treacherous, he must be plotting against you." Xiaoqing approached Xiaosan and said in a low voice.

According to years of experience, Su Wai Wai will definitely not have any good ideas in the future.

"What can master think of me? At most, he just wants to see my body. What's the big deal?" Xiaosan said and looked at her body.He has everything a man wants, but why does he look more feminine than Ye Qing?

Can he change again and stop being like this?

"I don't think it will be that simple. Xiaosan, you will be miserable next time." Xiaoqing said, gloating and walked away, just waiting for the next good show.

Xiaosan complained to herself and was not in the mood to think about other things.

Until Su Waiwai handed him a skirt, Xiao San was still a little out of shape.

"What is the master going to do?" Xiaosan asked puzzled, and took the skirt.

"Little San, try it and see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, I'll ask someone to make another set!" Su said with a smile.

Xiaosan responded, and was about to put it on, when she felt something was wrong: "What do you mean if it doesn't fit well, let someone make another one? The master's words are ambiguous, and people who don't know think it's a tailor-made dress for me. "

"It was originally tailor-made for you." Su Wai Wai's smile deepened.

Xiaosan looked at the other three children of Su's family who were snickering, her face darkened, she hastily threw away the woman's clothes in her hand, and ran out of Nomad Dream Space in an instant.

"Little San, come back, I'm doing it for your own good!!" Su Waiwai chased after him, shouting loudly at Xiao San's back.

However, Xiao San's speed is extremely fast, even in human form now, it is still ridiculously fast.

Everyone felt a blur in front of them, a white figure passed by, and then Su Wai Wai chased after him, not forgetting to call Xiao San.

So everyone became curious and wanted to know what happened to Xiaosan, but she was so mysterious and said that it was not time for Xiaosan to meet everyone.

"Smelly San, if you keep running, you'll be running naked for the rest of your life!!" Su Waiwai, tired of chasing after her, shouted loudly at Xiao San.

Xiaosan paused, if she ran naked for a lifetime, how embarrassing would it be?

This matter has to be argued with reason, and there must be no chance for Su Waiwai to be trampled on his body.Yes, just do it.

Xiaosan paused and stopped running away.

He quickly returned to the Realm of Remnant Dreams, Su Wai Wai followed in, and said with a sneer, "Stop running?!"

"Master is immoral. How can there be any reason for a big man like me to wear women's skirts? Master wants to raise a baby girl, so he finds a man to have one by himself. There are a lot of men outside waiting for master's favor!" Xiaosan replied disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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