Chapter 1587

"It's too slow to grow by myself. There's a ready-made one here. Why should I look far away?" Su squinted and smiled, and suddenly rushed to Xiaosan and squeezed his arm tightly: "Little San, you just follow me, put it on." Check it out, it must be a good fit!"

"I'd rather die than obey!" Xiaosan said as she broke free from Su Wai Wai's control, and ran away in an instant.

When the four beauties ran into the Realm of Last Dreams, they saw Su Wai Wai chasing a big man with no clothes on, that was quite offensive.

The four beauties looked at each other in blank dismay, somewhat unable to stand Su Wai Wai's "European style".

"Waiwai, don't be like this, it doesn't look good!" Ye Qing was the first to attack, and quickly rushed behind Su Waiwai, grabbed her arm and shouted in a deep voice.

"Ye, it's none of your business, let me go!!" Seeing that Xiaosan was about to run away from her sight, Su Waiwai turned her head and shouted loudly at Ye Qing.

"Don't let me go. Xiao San is a man, even if you want to see a man's body, you won't be able to kill Xiao San. I am a thousand times prettier than him, come and see me, I am willing to show you." Ye Qing said with his eyes wide open. At first glance, I think this method is good.

Maybe if Su looked at his body crookedly, he would be responsible for him, so why not do it?
"You're sick!" Su Waiwai was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ye Qing, so he simply threw out the kitchen knife and looked at Ye Qing's obstructive arm.

Seeing this, Ye Qing hurriedly withdrew his hands.Fortunately, he shrunk quickly and avoided disaster in time.

Su Waiwai had already run towards the direction where Xiaosan was escaping, and soon disappeared.

Seeing this, Baili Liancheng grabbed Su Xiaoer and asked, "What's going on?"

"My mother wanted Xiaosan to wear women's skirts, but Xiaosan ran away if she didn't like it. That's the same thing. My mother thought that there were too many men in the Su family, and the yang was prosperous and the yin was declining. She thought this was an abnormal phenomenon." Su Xiaoer said in a few words. After telling the whole story, he ran to watch the fun.

The four beauties were relieved after hearing this, and they sympathized with Xiaosan's experience very much.

As for Xiaosan, it's impossible to look good even if he's dressed as a woman, right?
After chasing him for a long time, Su Wai Wai still failed to catch the slippery mistress, so he was a little discouraged for a while, so he sat aside to rest his breath.

"Master, let's forget it. Xiao San is a man after all, how can there be a reason for a man to wear a skirt? I think Xiao San's insistence on this matter is right." Xiao Ba couldn't help but speak a fair word for Xiao San.

I believe that no man is willing to turn himself into a woman, right?

"Xiao Ba, you're not bad, why don't you come?" Su Waiwai looked at Xiao Ba, his eyes shining.

Xiao Ba ran away as soon as he heard the words, and fled in despair.

Afterwards, the four beauties arrived one after another to persuade Su Waiwai together, but Su Waiwai finally felt that what everyone said was reasonable, so she stopped insisting.

So, Su Wai Wai gave the fourth primary school of Su's family a difficult task. They should get married quickly, and then give birth to a few more girls to reconcile Yin-Yang.

"Mother, I'm still young!" Su Xiaoer first raised her hand in protest.

"You're not young anymore, you're over 100 years old, how young can you be? Another day when you grow taller, you can get married. Of course, you are behind them." Su Waiwai looked at the three beauties of the Su family in front of her.

The feng shui of their family is really good, and all the beautiful men they raise are eye-catching, and they feel happy when they look at them.

After seeing Xiao San's stunning face, the four beauties were all a little dazed, they never imagined that Xiao San's body could be so beautiful.

It was Baili Liancheng who came back to his senses first, and said to Xiaosan: "Little San, put on your clothes first!"

(End of this chapter)

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