Chapter 1594 Crossing Tribulation and Ascension (5)

"Little San, good job, I knew you could do it!!" Su Waiwai gave Xiao San a thumbs up.

Xiao San flew back to the ground, turned into a human form, and smiled triumphantly with his hands on his hips: "Of course, who am I, Xiao San? That is the king of beasts that has never been seen before or since!"

After he finished speaking, he waited for everyone's applause, but there was no movement for a long time, and all the members of the Su family looked at him strangely, as if he was some strange monster.

Su Waiwai went up to Xiao San, patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Xiao San, when you don't talk or smile, you are more like a beast king. When you open your mouth and smile like that, I think you are very naive!"

It's not the usual childishness to laugh at this virtue.

How could the Beastmaster laugh wildly like a teapot?From her point of view, Xiaosan is a child who will never grow up.

"How naive am I, the master doesn't know how to appreciate it!" Xiao San disapproved of Su Wai Wai's words.

Su Wai Wai didn't bother to pay attention to Xiao San, thinking that the tribulation had been successfully crossed.

That's right, shouldn't one ascend after successfully crossing the tribulation?Why is there no movement, they are still staying in place?
"Mother, the elder brothers seem to be talking about something." Su Xiaoer looked in the direction of the four beauties, and saw them waving at the big family. They were a little far away and couldn't hear clearly.

"Xiaoer Su, do you feel noisy?" Su Waiwai said and looked up.

It was unbelievable to see this, I saw several celestial fires descending from the sky, heading towards them.

"Isn't it, it's not over yet?!" Su Waiwai hurriedly shouted: "Little Si, hurry up and save the Lord!!"

Xiao Si flew out in response, and he picked them up one by one, in one go, and put all the members of the Su family in his container.

This time, Su Wai Wai was not too worried.After all, Xiao Si is not even afraid of her fire, so why should he be afraid of these heavenly fires?

In the end, just as Su Waiwai expected, the flames came down one after another, and there was nothing to say when they reached Xiaosi, they couldn't hurt the whole family of Su's family in the slightest.

The sky fire raged for a long time, and finally disappeared. Before Su Wai Wai could breathe a sigh of relief, another rain fell from the sky.The most hateful thing is that the rain is mixed with giant needles, and the comers are not good.

"Is there a mistake? Didn't you say that there is only one catastrophe? Why are these Donggu endless?" Su Wai Wai roared angrily.

"So when your family recites, you have to go through the catastrophe. As far as I know, there are at least twenty hurdles. Wai Wai, don't relax, or you will end up in ashes. !" Ye Qing moved closer, trying to explain Su Wai Wai's confusion.

As soon as Su Waiwai heard about twenty hurdles, his heart went cold.

This still makes people live, does God want to play with her to death, and doesn't want her to ascend into a fairy to deal with her in such a despicable way?

"Can I go back to rest first, and come out after I have enough rest. I mean, a large group of us take turns to be on duty..."

"This is a catastrophe, everyone has to experience it firsthand, you can't steal!" Xia Hou interrupted Su Wai Wai.

This is not a player's house wine, how can it be withdrawn immediately?
"Wait for me to go up, I'm going to find out every bad old man who dealt with me today!!" Su Wai Wai Wai Wai screamed.

The immortals who were busy in the heavenly court looked at each other in blank dismay, what kind of old men are they?Rather than letting Su Waiwai go to the fairy world to harm them, it is better to work harder to prevent her from becoming a fairy.

The immortals were even more cheerfully busy, while Su Waiwai greeted all the eighteen generations of their ancestors while responding to the robbery.

(End of this chapter)

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