Chapter 1595 Crossing Tribulation and Ascension (6)

The members of the Su family have been busy for three days and three nights, and finally they can rest.

They looked at the very quiet sky, wondering if they had passed all the barriers.

If so, why didn't auspicious clouds and fairy birds welcome them to heaven?
"Master, what should we do next to go to heaven?" Xiao San asked while hiding behind Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai glanced back at Xiaosan, and said coldly: "You are the king of beasts, can you show a bit of the posture that a king should have? Don't you feel sad because you hide behind me, a weak woman, all day long?"

Xiaosan laughed when she heard the words: "The master is not a weak woman! Hiding behind the master can enjoy the coolness. I hope I can hide for a lifetime."

Su Wai Wai is not afraid of such a big thing being blocked by the little man.

"No prospect!!" The other three children of Su's family said in unison.

"Are you going to be successful? Why don't you listen to the master's arrangement when you encounter something!" Xiao San disagreed, and planned to go to the Lost Dreams space to find some snacks to stuff his mouth.

As soon as he moved, he suddenly heard a terrible sound, and he subconsciously tightened Suwaiwai's right arm, as if as long as he held Suwaiwai tightly, he would be fine.

After the other three children of Su's family were also unwilling, Su Xiaoer jumped directly into Su Waiwai's arms, and the little eight quickly grabbed Su Waiwai's left arm.Xiaoqing was a little slow to react, but in desperation, she had no choice but to hug Su's crooked thigh.

Su Wai Wai glanced at the four he raised, and shook his head helplessly.

What is all this?Everyone is hugging her, who should she hug?
"It's useless for you to hug me. When the tornado comes, we will all be blown away!" Su Waiwai looked at the tornado whizzing towards them, and sneered and lifted her lips.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a tornado as black as thick ink approaching them.

"Master, figure out a way!" Xiaosan said, hugging Suwaiwai's hand even more tightly.

"I think I will wait here to die?" Su Wai Wai said angrily.

If she was asked to find a way, why didn't these people think of it themselves?
When Su Wai Wai said that he was waiting to die, everyone's hearts went cold.

"It's better to find Xiaosi again!" Xiaoqing suggested from the side, watching the tornado getting closer and closer, swallowing her saliva.

"It's useless to look for me, I can't play with it." After Xiao Si finished speaking, he immediately rolled back to the Realm of Remnant Dreams, unable to bear to see the tragic situation of the entire family of the Su family being kidnapped by the black tornado.

Without much time to think, the tornado has roared in.

The Su family huddled together subconsciously. Even so, they still couldn't resist the power of the tornado, and could only be passively swept by the wind.

Xiaosan was in a hurry, he instantly turned into a beast body, grabbed everyone in the Su family, and held them in his arms.

As the power of the tornado increased, his body also continued to grow. With the power of the tornado and Xiao San's weight, the position Xiao San was standing on suddenly shook, feeling like a landslide and tsunami.

Xiao San's feet were firmly nailed to the ground, and as his body got bigger and heavier, the place he was standing on gradually sank.

The tornado blew for a full hour, but in the end it still couldn't shake Xiaosan, and then disappeared without a trace.

Everyone in the Su family breathed a sigh of relief and broke free from Xiaosan's arms.

Xiaosan turned into a human again, and jumped out of the cave with everyone.

"Ascension is really not a human job." Su Wai Wai sat on the ground panting.

Sitting next to Su Wai Wai, Xiao San reminded disdainfully, "It seems like I'm the only one who did the hard work just now, right?!" He's the one who's tired, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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