Chapter 268

Head An's complexion became even uglier, no longer the previous blessing, but a little distorted and hideous.

There are quite a few monks who have dealt with him, and there are not a few of them who are cultivated, but they have never seen such a terrible and ugly side of Head An.Everyone has a scale in their hearts, and at this moment, they believe even more in the little one who doesn't have a few teeth.

"It's obviously this brat who is teasing me!" Headmaster An blushed, and it took him a long time to spit out such a sentence.

"Son, I taught you that there is one kind of person in the world that you should not provoke, and that is the villain. To be a human being, you must be magnanimous, and don't care about people with delusions." It's bad luck for such a person to say a word.

Anyway, everyone present believed that she was with Su Xiaoer, if she cared about like a lunatic, it would be lowering her style.

"What mother said is that I will recognize the face of this bad grandpa in the future. Mother, I am afraid that the bad grandpa will kill him. He seems to kill people..." Su Xiaoer hid in Su Waiwai's arms in panic.

If it is said that Su Waiwai's words of an adult have little influence on everyone, then everyone has to believe the innocence of a child.

Then another group of people waited and pointed at the head of An, clearly believing Su Xiaoer's words.

Su Waiwai hugged Su Xiaoer tightly, and smiled at the livid-faced Head An: "Silly boy, nothing will happen. If there is anything to do with you, mother will be the first to find him. Everyone in the world knows that he is the next one." of the murderous hand."

She was warning Head An not to act rashly.

Their mother and son offended An's family, seeing the attitude of the head of An's family, she might not let it go, she had to take it easy and carefully protect the lives of herself and Su Xiaoer.

An An didn't say hello to Head An.When Mr. and Mrs. An's head kicked her out of the house mercilessly, she no longer had the slightest affection for the An's family.

When they were out of sight of An Zhang and his wife, An An pulled Su Wai Wai aside and asked, "Wai Wai, tell the truth, are you deliberately teasing An Zhang for me?"

"Stop putting gold on your face. I don't even know which green onion he is, who knows why he is picking on my little girl?" Su Wai Wai looked up into the distance, looking at the lively crowd: " Wow, it's so lively, Xiaoer, let's go watch the excitement."

She hugged Su Xiaoer tightly and squeezed towards the crowded place.

An An felt quite helpless, and had nothing to do with Su Wai Wai, so she followed behind them.

Everyone arrived at the ranks of Xiuxian sect disciples, and this time the leader who led the monks to participate in the trip to Longhu Mountain was Xuansu.There are many outstanding disciples under him, and all of them are better than Su Wai Wai and the others.

The other master's disciples also had backgrounds, and when they saw the four of them in Su Wai Wai's group, there was obvious contempt and disdain in their eyes.Mo Xin'er was under Xuansu's door, she was Xuansu's favorite student, she saw Suwaiwai's mother and son sharply, she pushed past the crowd and came to them and said: "Junior Sister, it really is you, where is your master?"

"I've already said, it's not your junior sister, don't try to get close to me for a man. We're here to do business this time, not for a man. You want my master's body..."

"Su Wai Wai, what are you talking about!" A man couldn't listen anymore and yelled at Su Wai Wai.

Su's mother and son saw the person coming, they looked at each other, and immediately remembered that they had old grievances with this man.

(End of this chapter)

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