Chapter 269 Face Doesn't Matter: Run If You Can't Beat It

"Which onion are you, why are you yelling at us orphans and widows, are you bullying us old, weak, sick and disabled?" Su Wai Wai replied calmly.

Su Xiaoer hugged her neck very cooperatively, trembling: "Mother, this ugly monster is so fierce, I'm so scared..."

"Son, don't be afraid, at worst I'll fight him hard!" Su Wai Wai hugged Su Xiaoer tightly, staring at the visitor vigilantly.

Thanks to his good looks, he actually wanted to bully a weak woman like her, this kind of person should be punished.

"Senior brother Yu, don't be so loud, it's not good to scare the children." Mo Xin'er hastily advised Yu Chang softly, her eyebrows and eyes like water.

Yu Chang glared at Su Wai Wai, and still feels that being tied and hung on a tree for no apparent reason was a good thing done by this woman.He clearly remembered a pair of flexible eyes, very similar to Su Wai Wai.

But Su Wai Wai is clearly a cultivator with false roots. He has no cultivation base so far, and is the laughing stock of the Cultivation of Immortals. How can a waste like her have the ability to kill him?

Yu Chang snorted coldly, and took a few steps back, which was considered a step back.

Suwaiwai's mother and son secretly laughed in their hearts, and they looked at each other, expressing the same meaning.These people are not qualified enough to fight against their mother and son.

"Wai Wai, I have no malice towards you. Whoever dares to bully you, remember to tell me, and I will vent your anger for you." Mo Xiner didn't want to stay any longer, so she hurriedly dropped this sentence and returned to her own position.

Looking at the entire sect of cultivating immortals, only Su Waiwai's sect is the most desolate... Actually, to be more precise, looking at all the sects of cultivating immortals who participated in the Longhushan gathering, only Su Waiwai's sect is the most miserable.Not only is the population sparse, but everyone is useless, the only one who is a little normal is the little guy Su Xiaoer.The most important thing is that everyone has a master to lead them. Fortunately, they can't find the shadow of the master.Everyone was pointing in their direction, with obvious disdain.

Cai Yun took a sip of his wine and didn't care about these.An An has long been used to being disliked by others, and Quan should not see the contemptuous eyes of everyone.

Suwaiwai's mother and son also wanted to turn a blind eye, but just couldn't swallow the breath, the two mother and son hugged each other and sighed.

"Our master is really cruel, he left us in this ghost place, and let a group of wolves bully us." Su Wai Wai said, letting out a long sigh.

Su Xiaoer felt sorry for her, and also let out a long sigh: "No wonder the master only accepts old, weak, sick and disabled people like us, because it is impossible to have a bright future with such a master."

An An laughed at the words on the side: "Wai Wai, Xiaoer, don't be discouraged, cultivation depends on the individual, and we will work harder in the future, and we will be able to achieve something. Whether you become a fairy or not, it is a good thing for your own cultivation. "

"Senior Sister speaks like she's singing, it's really nice." Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai looked at An An bewilderedly, her eyes fixed on her pretty face.

If one day she can become a heartthrob like An An, she will definitely attract Bei Yueluo...

Su Waiwai didn't have much time to think about it. After a while, the leader finished his speech and the competition officially started.

Thousands of cultivation disciples had the opportunity to participate in the competition, and Su Wai Wai was extremely nervous when he entered the first round.Without Taohua's help, she would not have the confidence to do anything.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoer stuffed a bunch of talismans in her hands, and said anxiously: "Mother, run away if you can't beat her, you know? Face is not important at all, life is important."

(End of this chapter)

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