Chapter 270 The baby is too small to climb the radium stage

"If I want to run away, I have to do it nicely, otherwise I'll be laughed to death, and I won't be able to lift my head up for the rest of my life." After Su Waiwai finished speaking, he heard a man's muffled laughter not far behind him.

She looked back at the man displeased, and said coldly, "Is what I said funny?"

I saw Xia Hou laughing like crazy, he was already handsome, and there was Su Fu, a heartthrob, and Li Liancheng, another enchanting man, all the female monks focused their eyes on the three handsome men.

What's shameless is that the three beautiful men are standing not far behind her, so all the female monks are staring at her with hatred, as if she has robbed someone else's man.

Xiahou finally stopped laughing, and replied sarcastically: "Suwaiwai, don't worry, you will definitely be ashamed, and you will be ridiculed by the world for 100 years!" , with you without me!" Su Waiwai said while throwing a magic talisman in his hand.

The magic talisman was on fire, and went straight to Xiahou's face.

Xia Hou avoided it in a hurry, as if he was playing with her, and Su Waiwai became even more angry.Annoyed, she threw out all the talismans in her hand...

"Mother, save yourself..." Su Xiaoer hurriedly stopped her, but she was still a step too late.

The talismans he just handed over to his old mother were used up by her at one time, and they were all used on insignificant people.

Xia Hou evaded in a bit of confusion, and Su couldn't help laughing.When she found out that all her talismans had been used up, she was discouraged for a moment.

Sure enough, impulsiveness is the devil, what will she use to go on stage to fight against others now?

"Forget it, mother use these talismans from me." Su Xiaoer stuffed his talisman into Su Waiwai's hand in extreme helplessness, he had no other choice.

Su Waiwai was so moved that she almost cried bitterly while hugging Su Xiaoer: "Su Xiaoer, you are such a dutiful son, and you are the only thing I can afford in my life!"

"Mother, I'm not a thing." Su Xiao Er corrected Su's crooked language.

"Yeah, you are not a thing, let alone a person, you are my cutest, most filial baby son. Son, you take these, it doesn't matter if I am ashamed, your beauty is my success. Su Xiaoer Come on!" Su Wai Wai made a cheering gesture to Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer nodded vigorously, no longer being awkward, and obediently accepted the talisman.

Su Waiwai looked around complacently. These people have no love, at least they should give her a little applause for her great maternal love, right?

"Waiwai, I still have some talismans here, you take them first." An An took out the few talismans on her body and handed them to Su Waiwai.

Su shook her head and didn't pick up the talisman: "Senior sister is the most important thing to fight for face. Anyway, I have become a habit of embarrassment, so it's no big deal." Her face is thicker than a city wall, and there is no loss if no one laughs.An An is different, she wants to honor her parents, especially to give that old monster surnamed An a blow!

An'an tried a few more times, but still failed to send out the talisman, and the game was about to start, so she had no choice, so she stopped being stubborn.

Su Xiaoer started first, because he was the youngest of all the monks.

When he climbed towards the ring with his little ass shaking, everyone roared with laughter.

Seeing this, Su Waiwai said angrily to everyone: "My son is so cute, you are not allowed to laugh at him."

The ridiculous look of her old chicken guarding the young chicken also attracted everyone's laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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