Chapter 313 Winter and Spring Coexistence: The Four of the Su Family Visit the Fairy Mountains

The kitchen knife happily bent its handle towards Suwaiwai, and it was pulled and deformed quickly, and soon formed a container with a square lid, which just happened to put Suwaiwai in it.

Surprised and delighted, Su Waiwai laughed loudly: "You bastard, you have hidden your hand... Wait, something is wrong, what kind of material are you made of? I'm sitting here, how do I go up the mountain? Will you Will it form a skin of ice?"

The kitchen knife couldn't speak, and led Su directly out of the Realm of Lost Dreams.This time, not only Su Wai Wai was frightened, but Xiao San and Xiao Qing were also frightened. How could the kitchen knife carry Su Wai Wai in and out of space?You know, at present, people have the ability of the immortal artifact of peach blossoms.

Su Waiwai, who was hiding in the container, felt warm all over, without feeling cold at all.She looked carefully, but saw that she was flying between the mountain roads at a steady speed, neither too fast nor too slow, enough for her to see the beautiful scenery along the way.

I saw that among the snow-covered mountains and forests, the trees were lush and green, as if it was spring, which made people feel surprised.

"Master, this place is so beautiful..." Xiaosan's voice sounded from behind Su Waiwai without warning, causing Su Waiwai's heart to stop for half a second.

She caressed her throbbing chest, slapped Xiaosan hard on the head with her palm, and shouted angrily: "Do you know that beasts can scare people to death when they scare people?!"

"I don't know, I only know that people who scare people can scare people to death!" Xiaosan smiled happily, this is something he learned from his good master.

Su Wai Wai gave Xiao San a slap that spared no effort. At this time, a little guy came in from her armpit, came into her arms, poked his head out, and looked around curiously: "Mom, so beautiful..."

"All of them are country bumpkins." Su Waiwai replied shamelessly. She also looked at the world outside the kitchen knife intently. She never knew that green and white can match so beautifully. In nature, spring and winter can coexist , she was fascinated by the green and silver world.

"It's strange, logically speaking, it is impossible for ordinary trees to grow so well in such bad weather. In winter, I don't think those trees look like evergreens all year round. They should lose their leaves. Why do we see it differently? Su Wai Wai muttered to herself, her eyes were too busy.

"Stupid master, of course it's because these are fairy trees. Everything about the fairy family can't be explained with common sense." After Xiaosan finished speaking, she didn't forget to cast Su Waiwai a contemptuous look.

Of course, he was inevitably subjected to violence from the hostess.Not long after, Xiaoqing also came out to join in the fun, and the whole family was like people from the city entering the mountains for the first time, exclaiming from time to time.

"Mother, I still like Sister Kitchen Knife more, why don't I exchange my broken sword for Sister Kitchen Knife..." The little guy smiled flatteringly at Su Waiwai, and once again thought of Sister Chopper.

Su Waiwai put down Su Xiaoer as if nothing had happened, and pushed Xiaoqing and Xiaosan between her and Su Xiaoer, and the mother and child were separated like this.

Su Xiaoer's face darkened, she pursed her mouth in displeasure, and hid directly in Xiaoqing's arms.Xiaoqing comforted the little master softly: "The little master will have a better chance in the future, and he will definitely get a better baby than sister Caidao."

Su Xiaoer snorted softly, shook her head and replied, "But your embrace is not warm at all, it's far from mother's."

Hearing this, Xiao Qing almost left the little guy behind.

(End of this chapter)

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