Chapter 314 Only Day and No Night
Hearing this, Xiaoqing almost left the little guy lying comfortably in his arms.

The little baby disliked him, but found the most comfortable position in his arms, and did not forget to poke his head out to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window, very comfortable and comfortable.As the saying goes, like a mother, like a son, the Su Xiaoer in front of him is the true story of Su Wai Wai Wai Wai, lazy, and enjoyment.

Cai Knife took the four members of Su's family on a tour in Wushan. As long as they hid in the container made of Cai Knife, the family would not feel the slightest chill.

Su Waiwai never forgets that her purpose of going up the mountain is to share the spiritual spring of the mountain. She sometimes walks up the mountain to find the spiritual spring, but there are only a handful of springs in the mountain. Sometimes she is lucky and encounters a clear spring. After trying Later, I thought it was no different from ordinary spring water.The purest water in the world, which type of water is the purest?

The size and height of Wushan Mountain are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and time passes quietly like this.At the beginning, everyone who saw the beautiful scenery of Wushan was amazed, but in the end, only numbness remained.

The most terrifying thing is that the day and night here are the same.Even if it is dark, the place is still brightly white, and Wushan is like another world completely different from the outside world.

"How many days have we been here?" Su Waiwai asked Su Xiaoer as he collapsed on the couch weakly.

Su Xiaoer shook his head blankly, expressing that he didn't know.

"Mother, there is no way to search aimlessly like this. Shall we search for the spiritual spring while practicing?" Su Xiaoer squatted in front of the couch, suddenly asked with great interest.

Su Wai Wai thought about it, and thought it made sense.But in this way, she has to practice alchemy day and night, and these foodies can't bear such a world of ice and snow, so she has to stop looking for springs again?
Although he hesitated, Su Waiwai finally made up his mind that alchemy is the most important thing, let these foodies retreat and practice first.Anyway, her cultivation doesn't have much effect, so she might as well search slowly in Wushan by herself after they retreat.

On this day, Su Wai Wai called the third elementary school of Qi Su's family and held a small family meeting to express her plans.

As soon as she finished speaking, Sanxiao was not as excited as usual when she was about to go into seclusion, and everyone looked at her stupidly.

Su Wai Wai suddenly felt inexplicable: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Master's motherhood has made us very uncomfortable." Xiaoqing replied truthfully.

Xiaosan nodded like a pounding garlic, and echoed Xiaoqing's words from the side.

Su Waiwai looked at the two spirit beasts with a half-smile, and rewarded each of them with a palm: "If I hadn't met you lazy foodies, would I have sacrificed myself? My greatness was forced out by you!"

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing looked at each other, and they expressed the same meaning in their eyes: You can't praise this woman Suwaiwai, if you praise her, she will fly into the sky, or abuse their two spirit beasts.

Seeing that Su Xiaoer was silent, Su Waiwai picked up the little guy and asked, "Silly son, what's the matter?"

"If we all retreat, wouldn't it be lonely for mother to be alone? If we encounter danger on the mountain, we will not be able to save mother." Su Xiao Erba said worriedly, holding Su's crooked jade neck.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan should be worried about the same problem, right?After all, it is unknown whether there are other monsters in Wushan.They usually retreat for a few years, and they are lonely in the mountains. If they don't even have someone to talk to, he is afraid that his mother, a lively woman, will have a miserable life.

(End of this chapter)

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