Chapter 354
"I don't want to, I want to be the eternal baby in my mother's arms." The moment she leaned against his mother's warm embrace, Su Xiaoer liked her small stature, and could feel his mother's deep maternal love for granted.

Su Waiwai's beautiful eyes were full of smiles, and she hugged Su Xiaoer and shook again and again: "You are born different from ordinary people. If you can't grow up, tell yourself that you can live longer than ordinary people for decades or even go to school." Not everyone is lucky enough to experience a century-old childhood. Sometimes I selfishly hope that you will never grow up, and sometimes I hope that you will grow up quickly, and I want to see how much you can fascinate when you grow up Woman. In fact, this is the same reason as you want to grow up, but you are afraid of growing up. Son, do everything according to your fate, don't force it."

Perhaps her fate with Bei Yueluo, or even with other men, should also be resigned.

She always said to Su Xiaoer that sometimes there must be something in life, and there is always time in life, don't force it. This sentence also suits her very well.

Su Xiaoer hugged Su Waiwai tightly, and replied in a childlike voice: "I hope that I will never grow up and be a mother's little baby forever."

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing watched the mother and son of Su's mother and son from a distance, Xiaoqing shook her head and sighed: "It almost made me a baby..."

"Just you, a caterpillar?" Xiaosan scanned Xiaoqing's whole body with disdainful eyes.

Xiaoqing looked back coldly: "I'll say it one last time, I'm not a caterpillar!"

"Okay, you're a worm!" Xiaosan said and walked away, thinking about the log.

Why do logs melt into a wooden table?Logically speaking, the log is a sacred wood, how could it become a dead thing?Could it be that they have thought in the wrong direction since the beginning?
"Master, I got it, I got it!" Xiaosan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he rushed to the mother and son who were performing a scene of deep love between mother and child.

Su's mother and son looked at him at the same time, with warnings written in their eyes.

"Little San, your words should be constructive!" Su Wai Wai opened his lips in a cold voice.

Xiaosan directly unscrewed Su Xiaoer who was nestled in Su Waiwai's arms, and said with burning eyes: "We made a mistake at the beginning. Logs have life, not as dead things as they appear on the surface. We have to think There is a way to activate its life, so that there is a way to get its body!"

"According to what you said, a log has life, so it has thoughts. Will it let us get its body out of fear of pain?" Su Wai Wai asked back in a leisurely manner.

In fact, at this moment, she felt that Xiao San's words were not unreasonable. They went astray from the beginning, thinking that the log was a dead log.It is the underestimation of the log that prevents its body from being obtained.

Rather than...

Suwaiwai got up, went to the wooden table, and whispered to it: "Log, log, you will hang out with me from now on. I am popular, and you are also popular. I drink spicy food, and you also drink spicy food. Anyway, it is good. I won't leave you behind. Now, let's confess blood. If you eat my blood, you will be my wood, you know?"

Su Wai Wai cut her finger and was about to bleed when Su Wai Wai said that a broken table in good condition suddenly flew up, blowing a gust of wind in the room.

For a while, the room was in turmoil, and Su Wai Wai was pissed off by it, but he still had to talk to it nicely: "Don't run away, don't you think it's a great thing to be my Su Wai Wai's Shenmu? "

She got closer, and the wooden table ran away again very rudely.

(End of this chapter)

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