Chapter 355 Mother and son turn against each other......

After chasing for a quarter of an hour, Su Wai Wai still couldn't get close to the Shenmu. She was so tired that she gasped for breath, and then called the third child of Su's family who was watching the excitement to help.

It's a pity that the family of four went out together, but still couldn't get close to the wooden table.

In the end, the entire family of the Su family sat to rest three feet away from the wooden table, planning to recharge their batteries before attacking the broken wooden table.

"This thing is so disobedient, if I catch it later, I'll smash it to pieces!" Su Waiwai said and fell down, gasping for breath.

Qiqi, the three members of Su's family, looked at the wooden table, and saw that it retreated more than a foot without a trace, apparently frightened by Su's violence.If it were them, in order to get rid of Su Wai Wai's clutches, they would still run away.

At this moment, the three boys felt a little sympathetic to the wooden table.

It's just that after entering this Nocturnal Dream space, it is too difficult for the wooden table to escape. Sooner or later, one day, he will be tortured to death by Su Wai Wai. If that is the case, why bother to struggle to the death?
Su Xiaoer moved closer to the wooden table, with a small face full of smiles, waving his fat little hands towards the wooden table, and murmured softly in a childish voice: "Hey, come here, if mother treats you badly, I will protect you, okay? Promise yourself that you will be a very kind little master, and you will never abuse Shenmu. How about, how about you and me?"

Su Waiwai went up to Su Xiaoer, put his arms around his chest, and asked very tuggingly: "Su Xiaoer, are you poaching your mother's corner?"

The little guy's face was flushed, and he shook his head like a rattle: "No, I think my mother has enough treasures. I want to be a dutiful son and share the burden on my mother."

Su Wai Wai lifted her lips and smiled, and replied softly: "Yes, I didn't know how filial my own son is until today."

Su Xiaoer was a little guilty, she looked quietly at Xiaosan and Xiaoqing.

I saw the two spirit beasts made a cheering gesture to him, that is to say, they also agreed that he could get the Shenmu by his own power.

"Mother, how about this, let's rely on our own ability, see who it wants to be with? Mother always said that there are times in life, and there is always time in life. Don't force it, let's not force it, okay?" Su Xiaoer blinked innocently. With round eyes, he stared straight at Su Wai Wai, feeling that he was too sensible.

"Well, I'm very good at applying what I've learned." Su Waiwai said, mentioning the little guy next to him, and said word by word: "Su Xiaoer, you are not my opponent! This thing is what I like -"

"But I moved back." Su Xiaoer replied not to be outdone.

"If I don't order you, will you move?!" Su yelled angrily.

Su Xiaoer also increased the volume: "Anyway, it was my hand that moved, it was mine..."

So, the two mothers and sons quarreled over a wooden table like this.

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing watched from a distance, wasn't the mother-child relationship still playing before?How could they kill each other in such a short time? !

If each of them were given a sharp knife, they might have cut each other dozens of times.

Sure enough, human feelings can't stand the test, they have already quarreled over a broken wooden table, but if it's because of top-quality spirit beasts like them, why don't they open it?

Seeing Su's mother and son arguing at the wooden table, it was just as if they were singing a hypnotic song to it, and it was a little drowsy. After a while, it sat not far away and fell asleep.

Until Su's mother and son shouted at the same time, they said in unison: "I haven't caught you yet?!"

(End of this chapter)

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