Chapter 714 Punish Evil Cultivators
Su Xiaoer, a stupid guy who doesn't know how to seize opportunities, is just a little idiot.

An An smiled when she heard the words.

Those who don't know heard the conversation between the two mothers and sons, and thought her child was born. If you know that she and Pu Qiao haven't written off each other, how could they have a child?
While An An was in a daze, Pu Qiao ran up to her and said solemnly: "Senior sister, be careful." An An smiled and nodded: "I have a crooked sword, it will protect me, don't be afraid!"

"You actually believe in a dead thing, so you might as well believe in me, I'll help you play a game!" Pu Qiao was anxious when he heard this.

"Hey, hey, is it necessary to underestimate my Huahua? It is the most powerful magic weapon in the world, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand it! Senior sister, believe me, believe in Huahua, you will definitely not suffer!" Suwaiwang said solemnly Said to An An calmly, with a serious expression.

It is impossible for her to joke about An An's safety. You must know that here, An An is her own sister. It is too late for her to protect An An. How can she harm her?

"I know!" An An took a deep breath, and then took a light leap with the Peach Blossom Sword and flew onto the ring.

The man surnamed Zhang also jumped onto the ring. He squinted at An An coldly, not hiding the contempt in his eyes.

An An looked back indifferently, and stood with a sword in hand.

She has clear features and elegant demeanor, and she has an aura when she stands there.Coupled with the Peach Blossom Sword as a companion, she also has confidence in her heart.

The male cultivator surnamed Zhang didn't say a word, and attacked first.Coincidentally, he also uses a sword.

An An had never used a sword before, and the moment the man surnamed Zhang took out the sword, she didn't know what to do for a while.

The Peach Blossom Sword in her hand didn't wait for her to react, and she took her body to chop the sword to meet him, just missing the murderous sword move of the male cultivator surnamed Zhang.

"Senior Sister, relax, focus, just obey your body!!" Su Wawai saw that An An was a little nervous, and hurriedly reminded her loudly in the audience.

An An took a deep breath and relaxed.

The only thing she has to do now is to act with the Peach Blossom Sword.

As soon as she relaxed, the Peach Blossom Sword led her body to dance fierce sword flowers, trapping the male cultivator surnamed Zhang in the impenetrable sword net.

At first she just moved with the Peach Blossom Sword, but later on, she was able to control some sword styles, allowing her to wield the Peach Blossom Sword.

The man surnamed Zhang didn't expect such a result. He was unwilling to be humiliated by An An like this, and immediately launched a murderous plan.

Murderous look flashed across his eyes, he took a few steps away, and finally rushed out of the sword net, made a decisive decision, and slashed at An'an's body with a stabbing sword.

An'an only felt a powerful sword slashing at her head.

She swung her sword subconsciously to block it.

With a sound of "Boom", the two swords collided, and the Peach Blossom Sword shone brightly, breaking Zhang's Nanxiu's sword abruptly.

Zhang's male cultivator couldn't resist the sword energy exposed by the immortal energy, his bulky body flew out of the ring, fell heavily to the ground, and vomited blood continuously.

An An didn't expect Taohuajian to be so domineering. She was stunned on the ring for a while, at a loss.

Su Waiwai didn't bother to care about the life and death of the male cultivator surnamed Zhang, and stood up to applaud loudly.

She could see clearly just now, if the man surnamed Zhang hadn't used all his strength to kill him, how could he be backlashed?
The seriousness of Zhang Shinan's injury proved how much strength he had used just now.The Peach Blossom Sword has not yet added its own power, otherwise, Zhang's male cultivator would have died on the spot at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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