Chapter 715 The second round of the team competition: Riding and shooting

Su Waiwai stepped forward to catch An An, An An looked at the direction where Zhang's male cultivator fell to the ground, and asked uneasily, "He won't die?"

"If you die, you will die. Anyway, he did his own crimes and couldn't live. Fortunately, I was the first to come up with a countermeasure, otherwise my senior sister's life would have been taken away by this evil cultivator!" direction.

Xiang'er received her gaze, walked up to her and said: "Way, brother Zhang is not too bad, sometimes he is eager for success, I will apologize to An'an on his behalf."

She also saw it clearly from the side, knowing that it was her senior brother who made the first move to be killed by the sword energy of the Peach Blossom Sword, and she couldn't blame anyone.

It's a good thing her senior brother's skill is not strong enough, otherwise, if enough power is returned to her, she will die on the spot at this moment.

"It's a sum of money. It doesn't matter if his is not yours. Xiang'er, I still like you very much." Su Waiwai smiled and replied.

Only then did Xiang'er feel relieved, and turned to take care of the injured male Xiu Zhang.

In this battle, although Xiuzhenmen injured a disciple, they won by a total score of [-] to [-].

The middle-aged man stood on the ring stage to express his thoughts on the competition, and began to talk endlessly: "In the first game of the team competition, Cultivation Gate won. Here I want to reiterate one thing, while the competition adds glory to the sect, it is also a training for yourself. , to improve one's cultivation, but not to advocate extinction. Only a benevolent heart can be rewarded with blessings. This is my advice. I hope everyone here can listen to it. Tomorrow is the second round of the team competition, a competition of riding and shooting..."

"No way, we want us to ride horses and shoot swords?!" Hearing this, Su Waiwai's face became tangled into a bitter gourd shape.

"Exactly. Horseback riding is the most basic riding skill. Everyone knows it. Girl, do you have any objections?" The middle-aged man asked back with a smile.

"Of course. I don't know how to ride a horse. As for shooting, it knows me, but I don't know it. Uncle, can I replace riding a horse with a spirit beast?!" Su Waiwai suggested loudly.

If it were instead riding on Xiaosan, she guaranteed that she would win.

The middle-aged man laughed when he heard the words: "Of course, but are you sure you want to change it to riding a spirit beast? As far as I know, all the little fairies in the Cultivation Sect have their own spirit beasts, girl Su, your side..."

Su Wai Wai was stunned when he heard the words.

She didn't think carefully about the stakes.

Pu Qiao's spirit beast has not been seen, and Cai Yun's spirit beast has not yet hatched.As for An An's spirit beast, which is in her storage bag, it has not yet evolved to the first level, so what can a little thing do?
There are three spirit beasts in her family, but it's useless.

It is said that it is a team competition, that is, everyone must exercise, and it has nothing to do with personal glory.

"Forget it, let's ride a horse." Su Waiwai replied weakly.

In the next game, she didn't have a share, so she was a cheerleader on the sidelines, contributing a little of her meager strength.

Facts have proved that Su Wai Wai's decision is correct.

At the meeting that night, Su Wawai discovered that except for himself and Su Xiaoer, everyone else was a master of riding and shooting.

This is a continent that advocates cultivating immortals and martial arts fantasy. Riding and archery is the most basic. Every child will practice it when they are young, so they are all good players.

"Mother, can't we play tomorrow?" Su Xiaoer looked at the adults jealously.

He thought that he would have a chance to play, but it turned out that he didn't have a chance to play until the fifth game.

If he doesn't show his little face, isn't this trip in vain? !
(End of this chapter)

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