Chapter 867 Golden Warcraft (7)

"Besides this, can the master find a better explanation?" Xiaomianren asked back.

Su Waiwai was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

After all, what Xiaomianren said was not unreasonable.

"Master's luck has always been good. If he raped a half-god and half-demon hapless ghost in his dream, it's not impossible, right?" Xiaosan said with a smile.

"But this is too absurd, right?" Su Waiwai thought about it carefully, "Then do you know anyone in the world who is a half-god and half-demon? Is it possible that there are hundreds of miles of cities?"

She used to think that Baili Liancheng was Su Xiaoer's biological father, but Baili Liancheng never expressed his opinion, and as time passed, she did not confirm this matter.

Now it is suddenly said that Su Xiaoer has something like a divine light and a devilish energy in his body, which is unbelievable no matter how you think about it.

As soon as Su Wai Wai said this, everyone shook their heads in unison.

"The Demon Lord is the Demon Lord. How could he be a half-god and half-devil? If so, it is impossible for Baili Liancheng to become the Demon Lord. Only an orthodox demon can control the Demon Realm! Every realm must be clearly demarcated!" Xiaoqing replied thoughtfully.

That being said, it is indeed a bit unbelievable.

"Xiaoqing, what you said is also contradicting what Xiaomianren said. You said that the distinction is very clear, but Xiaomianren said that Su Xiaoer has both divine light and devil energy. Isn't the distinction clear?" Su Wai Wai leisurely asked back.

"Exactly. Gods are gods, immortals are immortals, and demons are demons. How can they be mixed together?" As soon as Su Waiwai said this, everyone fell silent.

Su Xiaoer, on the other hand, was at a loss as to who wrote it.

He doesn't care who his own father is, anyway, he has the best mother in the world.

"Su Xiaoer, you said it yourself, who is your real father!" Su Waiwai looked at Su Xiaoer and asked leisurely.

As soon as she said this, everyone was dumbfounded.

This matter should have been asked to Su Wai Wai himself, but now he is asking Su Xiaoer, it's just nonsense.

"I know who my mother is!" Su Xiaoer smiled flatteringly at Su Wai Wai, hugged Su Wai Wai's neck tightly, and kissed Su Wai Wai ruthlessly.

"That's true. It's better not to know who the father is. My family's Su Xiaoer will not be snatched from me. Well, let's get down to business, first get the repairing compass!" Su Waiwai said, turning around Look towards the direction of the main hall.

It was said earlier that the thing was under the ground, but this time, it was full of monster corpses, and it was fishy and smelly. She didn't dare to go, and she didn't want to let Su Xiaoer get this stench on her body...

Su Wai Wai turned her beautiful eyes to look at Xiao San and Xiao Qing.

Xiao San pretended not to see Su Wai Wai's malicious eyes, and Xiao Qing also pretended that she had bad eyes. The two beasts were about to sneak away, but Su Wai Wai said behind them, "Xiao Qing, Xiao San, where are you going?" Woolen cloth?"

When they are asked to work, if they run faster than anyone else, they will be lazy.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan looked at each other, turned around helplessly, turned back to Suwaiwai, and listened quietly to the hostess' orders.

"Su Xiaoer helped you build a great country, now it's your turn to perform. Go, be sure to get the repair compass. If you can't get it, you two come to see me!" While Su Waiwai was speaking, seeing Su Xiaoer returned to a normal body and was covering his small body.

It's nothing to look at, and there are no other women here, so what's there to hide?

(End of this chapter)

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