Chapter 868 Golden Warcraft (8)

"Su Xiaoer, it's alright, your body is worthless at all!" Su Waiwai angrily stepped forward and pulled away Su Xiaoer's small hand that couldn't cover anything.

"Mother, I want to put on clothes..." Su Xiaoer blushed, and simply embraced Su Waiwai's body directly.

"Transformation is such a hassle. After changing, you can turn back naked, Xiaoba, take out a piece of clothes for Su Xiaoer, the little guy is shy." Su Waiwai raised his voice.

Xiao Ba came out in response, and sure enough, he took a piece of clothing in his hand, and handed it to Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai hurriedly helped Su Xiaoer put on clothes, and when she was dressed properly, Su Xiaoer turned into a handsome young man again.The more Su Wai Wai watched, the more he felt a sense of accomplishment, so he kissed Su Xiaoer's red and puffy little cheek and said, "The brat is getting more and more handsome, I like it."

"Mother is getting more and more beautiful." Su Xiaoer hugged each other, knowing that Su Wai Wai liked to hear this.

"Don't comfort me. I know, everyone looks at me very strangely, probably because I look weird. I think I will still refine the beauty pill in the future, so that women can look better than they are now. , just be worthy of my handsome Su Xiaoer." Su smiled crookedly and lightly pinched the little guy's face.

It's really hard to imagine that her little baby is so capable, not only has a whole body of golden hair, but also has a divine light on his body.Although so far, she doesn't know if the so-called power is divine light or not, but being able to kill so many monsters with one punch is very powerful.

"That's not true, mother is already very good-looking now, she is the most beautiful mother I have ever seen!" Su Xiaoer replied confidently.

"Yeah, you've grown up so much, you just saw that I'm the child's mother, and I've never seen other babies' mothers look better." Su Wai Wai replied with a wry smile.

She looked at Xiaoqing and Xiaosan who were standing in front of the monster's corpse, and shouted loudly: "How long will you wait for me? Time waits for no one. If someone arrives, take the repair compass before you, and I will take the two of you." Eat it alive!"

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing looked at each other, secretly thinking that their lives were miserable.

Although reluctant, the two beasts moved out together.

They work together, and the speed is also very fast.

Suwaiwai's mother and son hid far away to avoid the strong stench.Xiaoqing and Xiaosan still covered their noses at first, but in the end they lost their sense of smell due to the thick blood, and repeated the same movements numbly.

The two spirit beasts were exhausted, and it took two hours to clean up the monsters before they emerged from the ground.

Seeing that it was no different from ordinary ground, Xiaosan and Xiaoqing didn't know what to do at this moment, and asked Suwaiwai who was chatting and joking with Su Xiaoer, "Master, it's the ground now, what should we do?"

Su Waiwai jumped up and went to the ground to see that it was indeed the ground, and it was completely impossible to see that it was built by a bunch of monsters before.

"Will there be a switch?" Su Wai Wai walked back and forth on the ground, not seeing anything wrong.

"It's so clear here, how could there be a switch?" Xiao San disapproved of Su Wai Wai's words.

Su Waiwai thought for a while, picked up the Prophet Pearl and asked, "Zhuzhu, tell me, where is the place with the most yin energy?"

The Prophet Shenzhu didn't change the answer, and still said it was the following.

"Look, if you don't believe me, you should also believe in Zhuzhu? It has a prophet, so you must believe it." Su Waiwai said, looking at Xiaosan and Xiaoqing: "You two look for a switch, there must be a switch here. There is another universe!"
Seeing that relatives are asking if there is a similar type of article, there is a new article titled: "Daddy Never Sleeps: Babies and Mothers", author: 1000 million, it looks good, you can search for pen names and book titles Found, the following is an introduction:
[A certain woman's body shrank instantly after giving birth, and she became the most tragic baby mother in history.On the way to cultivate immortality, I met a satyr. There will always be a bunch of beauties on this man's couch, known as "Wan Wan Sleep".When he learned that she was the "enemy" who ate him and he still drew bastards somewhere on his body, a certain man closed the door and pulled people away: "If I don't put you to sleep, I won't be human!" Enter: "My mother said, master and father have always been a beast!"]

(End of this chapter)

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