Chapter 873 The Magic City Disappears (5)

With a yell from Su Wai Wai, all members of the Su family were dispatched.

Xiaoqing ran the fastest and rushed back to the Space of Lost Dreams immediately.Xiaosan flew up in a hurry, holding Suwaiwai tightly with one hand, and not forgetting to hold Suxiaoer tightly with the other hand.

In addition, the secret room was too small, and it was a bit chaotic for a while.

Seeing this, Su Waiwai knew that going on like this was not an option, and hurriedly shouted: "Huahua, kill a bloody path, let's rush out!!"

Taohuajian was about to draw his sword, when Ji Chunqiu interjected: "Come with me, I know where there is a way out!"

Su Waiwai was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that the owner of the fantasy city was right in front of him.What is she running for?
You're so stupid, going with Ji Chunqiu is the fastest and safest way.

"Say it earlier, I'll make myself flustered." Su said to Ji Chunqiu with a smile.

Ji Chunqiu didn't have time to talk nonsense, so he led the way.

Su Wai Wai followed behind him, step by step.

Su Xiaoer wanted to change back into his own body, Su Waiwai saw this, straightened his face and said, "Run for your life first, you look pretty good now."

"But what if someone sees it later?" Su Xiaoer looked at himself with blond hair in confusion.

"Stupid, then go back to the Realm of Lost Dreams and transform again!" Su Wai Wai lightly tapped Su Xiaoer's head.

Su Xiaoer felt that this was reasonable, and immediately rushed back to the Space of Last Dream.

Su Wawai followed closely behind Ji Chunqiu, and quickly rushed out of the secret room.

It was only after leaving the secret room that Su Wai Wai discovered the horror of the fantasy city.I can only see distortions and deformations everywhere. How is this different from the end of the world?Although, she has never seen the so-called end of the world.

But she believes that this is the end of the world.

"Wai Wai, don't be dazed in this world, follow me!" Ji Chunqiu looked helplessly at the little woman behind him, with a silly look, how could he look like a legend in the world of cultivating immortals?Just a stupid woman.

Only then did Su Waiwai come back to her senses, her legs and feet were still a little uncontrollable, she climbed up Xiao San's back slightly tremblingly and said: "Little San, follow closely, if we slow down, we won't be able to get out, it's game over!"

Xiaosan knew the seriousness of the matter, so she didn't dare to neglect at all, and followed Ji Chunqiu closely.

They flew in the air and headed for the exit.

When he was in front of Ghost Flame, Su Waiwai saw a familiar figure, and hurriedly leaned over and shouted: "Xiang'er, run quickly, the fantasy city is going to disappear, if you don't leave, you will never be able to get out!!!"

She was afraid that Xiang'er would not be able to hear her, so she shouted with all her strength.

Xiang'er was hesitating how to pass through Lie Yan, when she heard Su Wai Wai's words, she immediately flew with her sword and chased in Su Wai Wai's direction.

On the way, Su Wai Wai also met many people, she warned everyone, some people didn't believe it, some people saw that it was Su Wai Wai, followed her closely without saying a word, and flew towards the exit of the fantasy city.

After successfully flying out of the fantasy city, Su Waiwai felt relieved and turned to look in the direction of the fantasy city.

I saw a huge vortex in the sky extending towards the fantasy city, and soon that vortex was connected with the fantasy city, and within half a quarter of an hour, the fantasy city that was still in front of their eyes disappeared into the vortex out of thin air...

"It's too scary, but fortunately we can run fast!" Su Waiwai looked at the empty land in front of him, and murmured.

"That's why I'm so busy every 50 years. Take out the repair compass, and the fantasy city will disappear. This is my painstaking effort for many years..." Ji Chunqiu sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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