Chapter 874 The Magic City Disappears (6)

Su Waiwai looked at Ji Chunqiu with a dejected expression, and then at the Xiu Compass tightly held in his palm, and said in a murmur, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that this thing would disappear when I took it out."

No wonder Ji Chunqiu tried his best to prevent these people from taking the compass. If it were her, she would swear to protect her home.

"Even if you know, you still want to take the repair compass. As long as any treasure in the world exists, someone will take it. Perhaps, I should thank you for breaking away from this vicious circle. From then on, I have one less responsibility." Ji Chunqiu smiled lightly, looked at Su Waiwai, with gentle eyebrows and eyes.

Even if it wasn't Su Wai Wai, it could be someone else. Sooner or later, a strange person would be able to take away the compass.

Su Waiwai used her own ability to obtain the repairing compass, it was because she was capable, and it was because he was not capable enough.

"No wonder, Master Huancheng has been painstakingly for so many years. If it is not wrong, maybe son is not willing to give up this thing." Xiaomi appeared and muttered dissatisfiedly.

With Ji Chunqiu's abilities, he must still be able to stop Su Wai Wai.Maybe it was because this was Suwaiwai, he didn't want to see her return empty-handed, nor did he want to see her disappointed.

Su Wai Wai smiled dryly, looked at Xiu Luopan and said, "Actually, I don't see anything special about this thing, it's just an inconspicuous tool."

Her gaze was fixed on the repair compass, which looked ordinary on the surface, but as for the rest, she really didn't see anything wrong.

"Nothing special, you want more? Wai Wai, if you don't like it, just give it back to our young master." Xiaomi replied angrily.Su Waiwai is standing and talking without pain in the back, and she got it and said it's not good, how can this woman say such things in front of her son?
"Xiaomi, don't be rude!" Ji Chunqiu scolded lightly.

His gaze was fixed on Su Wai Wai's beautiful and clear pupils, he was stunned for a while, and then he said: "Wai Wai, luck and misfortune depend on each other, and getting some things may not be a good thing. There is actually a history of repairing the compass..."

"My lord!" Xiaomi turned pale with shock when he heard this, rushed to Ji Chunqiu's side, tugged on his sleeve lightly, and signaled him not to talk nonsense.

After all, the other party is not easy to mess with, and she is afraid that her young master will not only lose the compass, but also cause trouble.

Ji Chunqiu thought about it, but still didn't continue, he said earnestly: "There are a lot of people who are coveting this thing, you need young talents on the way back to Xiuxianmen, you know?!"

Su Waiwai nodded vigorously: "I know. Don't worry, I will definitely protect myself! No matter what, it was my fault that your fantasy city suddenly disappeared, and I should apologize to you!"

After she finished speaking, she made a deep bow to Ji Chunqiu, then cupped her hands and said to him: "Ice cube face, there will be a date later!"

"Leaving so soon?" Ji Chunqiu was taken aback for a moment, a little bit reluctant.

Su Wai Wai pursed her lips and smiled: "There is no feast that lasts forever. I have to say, you are very powerful, but you are actually..."

She quietly looked around, only to see a lot of people coming out, all looking in their direction, perhaps still listening to their conversation.She stopped talking at the moment, for fear of causing trouble to Ji Chunqiu.

"Waiwai, can I give you a ride?" Ji Chunqiu thought for a while, but he still didn't want to just pass by Su Waiwai.

"You are the wolf king, so you must be very busy. I'm such a big man, I can take care of myself." Su smiled crookedly, trying to reject Ji Chunqiu's kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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