Chapter 875 The Magic City Disappears (7)

"Waiwai, let's drop by, let's go together." Xiaomi interrupted with a smile on the side.

She didn't know her master's thoughts, but of course he wanted to spend more time with Su Wai Wai.

It's just that Ji Chunqiu is stupid and doesn't know how to express his affection for Su Wai Wai.

As for Suwaiwai, this woman definitely didn't know that Ji Chunqiu was interested in her, and thought that Ji Chunqiu simply wanted to give her a ride.

"Since it's on the way, of course it's good, let's go on the way together." Su Waiwai agreed without hesitation.

Ji Chunqiu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and was very afraid that Su Wai Wai would not agree to this matter.

Xiang'er was still in shock, but Su Wai Wai called her soul back.

"Xiang'er, we are going back to Xiuxianmen. I don't know when we will see you next time, but there will be a time later!" Su Waiwai cupped her hands at Xiang'er.

Xiang'er's face darkened: "You came back so soon?"

"Why don't you go back and stay here? I don't even have a place to eat. I still like to eat the delicacies of the world, that's what I call life..." Su Wai Wai said, looking at the man standing not far away.

She didn't want to pay attention to it, but Zhang Yuan kept looking at her, afraid that she would not know his existence.

There is no doubt that Zhang Yuan wants the repair compass in her hand.

She triumphantly raised the repairing compass, and said loudly: "If you think about my repairing compass, you must be able to get it! I advise some people to take care of themselves and don't humiliate themselves!"

She said this to Zhang Yuan.But in the ears of other monks who wanted to repair the compass, it was unintentionally a warning.

Su Waiwai's ability is not trivial, after all, there are many monks who have been defeated by her.

They didn't want to fight against her, but the repair compass is an artifact to be used when going through the catastrophe.With its help, the success rate of crossing the catastrophe will be much higher.

Who doesn't want such a good thing?
Everyone was thinking about their chances of success in their hearts, and Zhang Yuan was stimulated by Su Wai Wai, and immediately got really angry.

He raised his sword and rushed up to Su Waiwai, pointing the sword between her eyebrows: "Su Waiwai, I just fell in love with Xiu Compass. If you are sensible, hand it over to me obediently, otherwise, I will beat you to your knees and beg for mercy! !"

Su Waiwai smiled instead of anger, she touched the repair compass with a smile, and opened her lips calmly: "There are too many people who want it. Why didn't I see you cross the glacier to get the repair compass through the ghost flame before? When I get it Hand, you just want to pick something ready-made, even a monk like you who has no character or morality deserves to have such a treasure? I will let you know later, who is begging for mercy!"

"Waiwai, he is our senior brother after all, please be merciful later." Xiang'er knew Su Waiwai's ability, and also knew that Zhang Yuan could not be Su Waiwai's opponent, so she whispered to Su Waiwai immediately .

Zhang Yuan heard it clearly from the side, and immediately became furious, he raised his sword and stabbed at Suwaiwai.

Even her fellow apprentices look down on her, and don't help her relatives. Su Wai Wai, this woman, damn it!
When Zhang Yuan's sword tip was about to pierce her eyebrows, Su Waiwai made the move without haste.

Her sword is not as fierce as before, but the spiritual consciousness of each move is many times stronger than before.

Zhang Yuan didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that the rumors were exaggerated, but when he felt that he was too stressed by the sword net and sword to fight back, and even couldn't breathe smoothly, he realized something was wrong.

He struggled to death, and immediately made dozens of sword strikes, but each sword was easily blocked by Su Waiwai...

(End of this chapter)

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