Chapter 879 Er Shu Fainted and Unconscious (3)

Ji Chunqiu hesitated to speak.

Looking at it now, Xiu Luopan is still domineering, but Su Waiwai's body structure is different from ordinary people, Xiu Luopan did not pose a threat to her.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Su Waiwai's beautiful eyes flashed with anger, thinking that Ji Chunqiu was stingy, so he didn't say anything on purpose.

"Waiwai, you can't blame my young master for this matter. At the beginning when the repairing compass fell into the hands of my young master, there was an agreement with others that we didn't mention anything about repairing the compass. My young master must also try his best to protect the repairing compass. My young master has always been For those who keep their promises, if you don't say anything, you will naturally have your reasons." Xiaomi opened his lips coldly, thinking that Ji Chunqiu cannot be blamed for this incident at all.

"You mean to say that the original owner of the repair compass didn't belong to Bing Cuanglian?" Su Wai Wai asked.

Ji Chunqiu nodded: "The compass repairer does have another owner. Huancheng originally blocked the compass repairer's murderous and dark energy. After you took it away, that thing can no longer be controlled. Perhaps, the only way to find the compass repairer is to find the original owner of the compass repairer. Only then can the curse of this thing be lifted."

"Then where is its owner?" Su Wai Wai heard, a little surprise flashed in his eyes.

In other words, finding the original owner of Xiu Luopan will save Mo Xiner and An An?

But he didn't want Ji Chunqiu to shake his head: "I don't know."

Su Wai Wai almost fell to the ground.

What kind of person is this, who took something from someone else and didn't know who it was?Is there such an unreliable person?

"The other party only said that I have the ability to control it, and after that person handed me the repairing compass, he disappeared." Ji Chunqiu didn't dare to look at Su Wai Wai's disappointed expression.

If he had known this earlier, he would have asked about the other party's origin that day, so it wouldn't be impossible to help him now.

"Okay, let's put this aside for now. I'll go and see Xin Er and Senior Sister first. Xiaosan, you go to Master, Master has always been capable, and maybe he can retrieve the souls of Senior Sister and Xin Er!"

After explaining, Su Wai Wai went to Bie She to visit Er Shu.

Because the places where the two Shu lived were far apart, Su Waiwai simply put the two Shu together.

Usually it's fine for her to fight, but how can she recall someone's soul?After a busy morning, Mo Xin'er and An An were still in a coma, showing no signs of waking up.

When Xiaosan arrived with Bei Yueluo, Su Waiwai immediately gave way: "Master is always powerful, hurry up and see the two of them!"

Bei Yueluo glanced at Ershu who was sleeping, and said calmly, "Their souls were taken away by the impermanence of black and white, there is nothing I can do as a teacher."

"Master didn't even look at it, so how did he know that their souls were taken away?" Su Waiwai was annoyed, feeling that Bei Yueluo had no sincerity at all.

"That's what I saw." After Bei Yueluo finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Su Wai Wai Wai Wai got angry, and said loudly to Bei Yue Luo's back: "Master, why is this person so unlikable?!"

After not seeing each other for such a long time, Bei Yueluo was a little more humane, but he didn't even give a nice word, so he just left?

What about liking? Is this called liking?Anyway, she couldn't feel the man's so-called liking.Always indifferent, self-righteous immortal is great.

At this moment, Suwaiwai had forgotten that Bei Yueluo didn't even remember that she was an immortal.

"Anyway, the master doesn't like Boss Bei, why are you angry?" Xiao San joked, thinking it was funny.

Su Wai Wai was dumb for a moment.That's right, Bei Yueluo has always been this virtuous, why is she having trouble with herself?
(End of this chapter)

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