Chapter 880 Er Shu Fainted and Unconscious (4)

After figuring this out, Su Wai Wai no longer struggled.

She has always solved problems by herself.The current solution is to find out the original owner of the compass, so as to retrieve the souls of those two unlucky women.

On the contrary, she is fine with repairing the compass for such a long time.An An and Mo Xin'er had an accident when they touched each other. If it's not bad luck, what is it?
"Bing Cube Face, think about it carefully, what are the characteristics of that person?" Su Wai Wai asked.

Ji Chunqiu pondered for a moment, then Fang shook his head: "I can't remember." He said and looked at Xiaomi.

Xiaomi also thought about it, and was at a loss: "I clearly remember seeing that person's face, why don't I have any memory now?"

Su Waiwai was immediately discouraged, and seriously suspected that Ji Chunqiu hated her because she ruined the fantasy city, so he made fun of her at this moment.

"I'll ask you again, do you remember that person's face?" Su Waiwai asked loudly, a little annoyed.

Ji Chunqiu's master and servant shook his head as usual, he really couldn't remember this matter.

Su Waiwai helplessly wiped her face: "Okay, you two are capable! I'll figure it out on my own, relying on you, both of them are finished!"

She thought about it carefully, then hid in a corner where no one was around, and whispered: "Susu, can you hear me?"

Su Su is a know-it-all, some things can be right with her.Fifty years ago, she didn't know Susu's whereabouts, thinking that Susu was gone. That time she clearly saw Wuseguo oppressing Susu.

It seems that Susu's life is not easy.

After waiting for a while, Susu didn't answer, Su Waiwai thought that Susu couldn't speak.Just when she was discouraged and wanted to go out, Susu's voice suddenly sounded: "Master, listen—"

Su Wai Wai looked at her abdomen suspiciously, was it her illusion?Susu seemed to be bullied by the domineering five-color fruit again?
"Master, just ask if you have any questions." Susu really wanted to push away the five-color fruit sitting on her body, but he was so powerful that she couldn't beat him even after fighting for 100 years, and was crushed to death.

"Do you know how to repair a compass?" Su Waiwai asked loudly, regaining consciousness immediately.

"Of course, it used to be an artifact of the ghost king, but it disappeared afterwards." Susu replied in a low voice, and was pressed into it a little by the five-color fruit.

Su Wai Wai couldn't hear it clearly, and immediately became angry, and said loudly: "Wu Se Guo, let me tell you, if you continue to bully Su Su like this, when I become a fairy in the future, I will definitely kill you in advance!"

Wuseguo was stunned for a while, then hummed softly, then reluctantly moved her body, allowing Susu to speak smoothly.

Su Su hurriedly replied loudly, this time Su Wai Wai heard clearly.

She nodded with satisfaction, and asked again: "Ghost King? Could it be the King of Hades, the king who ruled the ghost realm?" If the name suggests, this should be the correct answer, right?
Susu replied loudly: "Yes, it's him! This person has a very strange temper, the master should not provoke him."

"But I have to mess with him. That's right, where do I go to find him? It won't make me go to hell, right?" Su Wai Wai asked loudly.

If this is going to the underworld, doesn't it mean taking her life directly?She doesn't do that.Her good days of cultivating immortality have just begun, and she still has a lot of bright futures in the future, so she shouldn't risk her life like this.

"The master is really right. You have to go to the underworld to find him. However, there is also a possibility that you can force the ghost king out of the underworld." Susu replied with a smile.If so, it must be fun.

(End of this chapter)

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