Chapter 890 The Legendary Ghost King (6)

"Stop cultivating immortality. With your virtue, even if you become an immortal, you will still be a little immortal who is bullied everywhere. You might as well follow me and be a proud little maid!" .

He sincerely wanted to take Su Waiwai as his maid. After all, there are too few interesting women in this world. For example, a little maid who has served him for many years is not very interesting.

"What do you talk about? It's so annoying! Pu Qiao, your woman can handle it by herself, I have nothing to say to this egomaniac!" Su Wai Wai was so angry that her face flushed red, she decided not to embarrass herself anymore, and went to Take a break aside.

As soon as Su Wai Wai walked away, Pu Qiao suddenly felt that he had no sense of security, and he didn't dare to approach the Ghost King.Biansheng's safety is at stake, even if he is afraid of death, he can't shrink back.

At that moment, Pu Qiao mustered up his courage, went to the man and said, "Please, Ghost King, please raise your hand and save my family's life."

"Just your face, I don't want it if you give it to me." The ghost king didn't bother to pay attention to Pu Qiao, and pushed him away. After walking around the small courtyard of Su's house, he began to comment: "What kind of kennel is this? Can it live in people?" ?”

Suwaiwai's master and servant all turned black.Su Xiaoer, who had eaten enough pills from the Last Dream Space, rushed out of the Last Dream Space in an instant, and kicked the Ghost King hard on the back.

The ghost king was kicked back two steps, angry, he was about to explode, but when he turned around, he saw a little baby carved in powder and jade standing behind him with his hips on his hips.

"This little guy is interesting, and I will also go to the Palace of Hades with this king!" The man came to a conclusion immediately.

Su Wai Wai sneered at the sound.

Dare to love her old family's things, the damn ghost king can take a fancy to them all, and want to bring them into the underworld?Thinking about it makes her angry, isn't it just a matter of embarrassment for her to invite such an egomaniac? !

"Who wants to go with you to the Palace of Hades? Are you sick?" Su Xiaoer glanced at the Ghost King disdainfully, walked up to Su Waiwai's side on her short legs, and asked puzzledly: "Mother, which madhouse is this from?" The neuropathy who ran out, is there something wrong with the brain?"

"It's insanity, let's normal people, don't care about it like a sick person." Su looked at the ghost king disdainfully, took Su Xiaoer's little hand, and planned to go out to bask in the sun.

This man is the king of ghosts, so he probably wouldn't go out with her to bask in the sun, right?Aren't ghosts afraid of the sun?
With this plan in mind, Su Wai Wai quickened his pace, and soon went to the small courtyard.

Unexpectedly, the man came out on his heels, chased after her and asked, "Su Wai Wai, think about it again, this king doesn't accept everyone!"

"Yeah, you're only interested in my family's stuff. Let me tell you, there's no door. I'm not that great. I sold myself for those two unlucky women. Even if I wanted to, my master wouldn't be willing." , my master will marry me as his wife in the future, you will die!" Su Wai Wai chattered a lot while being excited.

"Mother, when did Master say that you want to marry your mother?" Su Xiaoer asked puzzled.

Xiaosan also had this question, when did Suwaiwai and Beiyueluo make a private decision for life, why didn't he, a close friend, know?
Su Waiwai thought for a while, "Probably in a dream? Anyway, Master will not let me go, nor will I be allowed to go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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