Chapter 891 The Legendary Ghost King (7)

Su Xiaoer and Xiaosan looked at each other, only then realized that Su Waiwai was talking to himself again.

How dare Bei Yueluo, that stuffy gourd, propose to Su Wai Wai, who is still practicing?Isn't that suicide?

"Su Wai Wai, I'm serious. As long as you promise to go to hell with me, I promise to heal your friend. If you don't agree, then there's nothing I can do. I won't do such a good thing." The man warned again .

He feels that the underworld is much better than the sky, and anyone with a little thought should choose to go down first instead of going up...

"Let's put it this way. One is heaven and the other is hell. King of Ghosts, which normal person do you think would choose to go to hell instead of heaven?" Su Waiwai's words made everyone in the room nod their heads.

Of course, except for the ghost king.

"I just like abnormal people. Suwaiwai, your name is abnormal, your appearance is abnormal, the people around you are abnormal, and you are abnormal in every aspect!" The man replied quietly. , Picking Su Waiwai all over his body.

Su Wai Wai looked at herself with downcast eyes, thinking that she was pretty good, how could it be so abnormal like a man said?
"Su Xiaoer, am I normal?" Su Waiwai decided to seek some comfort from Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer nodded vigorously: "Mother is the most normal woman in the world!"

"Actually, I think the King of Ghosts is right. The master is really not normal. Which normal woman's child is still so small after 100 years, and it doesn't grow up at all?" Xiaosan thought for a while, and felt that she should be fair. talk.

His words made Su's mother and son's venomous eyes turn to him...

"Well, pretend I didn't say it, you guys continue." Xiaosan didn't dare to say any more, and stepped aside.

In this family, he had never been able to tell the truth, and he damn well forgot about it again.

"This monster finally told the truth. Su Wai Wai, you go down with me, the human world and the fairy world should not be the place for you, an abnormal woman." The man tried to persuade Su, not understanding Su Why is Wai Wai still struggling to die? How good would it be to hang out with him?There are so many little ghosts in the underworld, so they can be bullied by this woman in the future.

"I tell you, I won't go if you ask me to be a ghost princess!" Su Waiwai yelled at the ghost king and ran away.

But the man followed suit, wherever she went, he followed her, chattering, endlessly...

Su Wai Wai's face was very ugly.

She glanced back at the man who was still admonishing her, and asked puzzledly, "Why aren't you afraid of the sun?"

"This king is the king of ghosts, why is he afraid of the sun? This king hopes that the sun will come more violently." The man answered with a smile.

Su Wai Wai sneered and stopped talking.

Pu Qiao watched for a while, then suddenly pulled Su Wai Wai aside, and said in a low voice, "Wai Wai, come here, I have something to tell you."

The man wanted to catch up with the eavesdropper at the first moment, so Su looked at Xiaosan: "Stop him!"

Xiaosan took the order and stood in the way of the man: "Master said, I want to stop you, ghost king, you are going to my master with resentment or hatred, this matter basically has nothing to do with me!"

The man looked over and saw that Su Wai Wai and Pu Qiao had walked a long way. They looked sneaky and looked back at him from time to time, they must be plotting against him.

That side Su Wai Wai was indeed discussing with Pu Qiao.

"Wai Wai, let's do this, lie to him first, and let him heal An An before we talk about it." Pu Qiao had his own wishful thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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