Chapter 995: Raising Havoc in Hell (7)

Baili Liancheng avoided Su crooked and clear beautiful eyes.If this woman knew that he also participated in this "kidnapping" incident, I don't know if she would be kind to him.

"What's the matter?" Su looked at Baili Liancheng in bewilderment, and found that something was wrong with this man.

Baili Liancheng lifted his lips and smiled: "Since I can't go out for the time being, why don't I just stay in this place with peace of mind, it doesn't matter where I am."

He thought it would be nice to be in Huangquan, at least there was no Beiyueluo here to spoil the situation.

With Bei Yue falling, all of them will be ignored by Su Wai Wai.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to stay here for long, and I don't know what the ghosts here eat." As if responding to Su Waiwai's psychological thoughts, a ghost passed by her, holding a bunch of food in her hand. Sugar-coated haws.

Su Waiwai was dumbfounded, and murmured, "What's the difference between the candied haws here and the ones outside?"

She knew that the ghosts in the underworld had run out of money, and the people above needed to burn it down.Could it be that the candied haws that ghosts ate were also burnt down by some people from the human world?

Thinking of this, Su Wai Wai felt cold all over his body.She felt that she would never like ghosts in the next two lifetimes.

"Mother, is there a rush market here?" Su Xiaoer's voice awakened Su Wai Wai's thoughts.

Su Waiwai followed Su Xiaoer's line of sight and saw crowds of people on the street. Although the light was dim, it didn't affect the high spirits of these ghosts at all.

As for the streets, there are everything for sale, no different from the human world.

"There are these things in Huangquan, is it possible that the sky is also such a place?" Su Waiwai raised her eyes subconsciously.

Of course, this is a ghost domain, and there cannot be a blue sky as vast as the sea.

Baili Liancheng watched from the side and laughed, thinking that Su's mother and son looked like country bumpkins who had just entered the city, and they looked very funny.

As soon as Su's mother and son appeared on the street, they attracted the attention of all the ghosts.One is because of the strong yang energy emanating from them, and the other is because of the coquettish spirit beasts in front of them, it's hard not to pay attention.

What's more, there is a peerless beauty behind them, who is Baili Liancheng.

Baili Liancheng is not only very handsome, but also has a unique temperament, exuding a dignified aura.

Xiaosan found that everyone's strange eyes were fixed on Baili Liancheng, and rushed to his side and said: "Boss Baili is too dishonest, these things are all looking at Boss Baili."

Let him lose face as a mistress.

Baili Liancheng glanced at Xiaosan indifferently, pushed him away, and soon came behind Su's mother and son.

He picked up Su Xiaoer, and Su Xiaoer wrapped his neck around his neck immediately, looking around curiously: "Mother, this place is no different from the world."

Su nodded, feeling the same way.

Actually, she wanted to go to another place to see if that ghostly place was as scary as it was in the legend.

"Mother, I want to see what the [-]th floor of hell looks like." Su Xiaoer seemed to know Su Waiwai's inner voice, and suddenly said loudly.

As soon as he said this, all the ghosts looked at him.

Su Wai Wai lightly squeezed the little guy's face and said, "Keep a low profile, this is not the human world!"

Her voice is not too loud, and all ghosts can hear it.All the ghosts looked at each other, and soon surrounded Su's mother and son, one of the leader said to her: "Aren't you tired of working, dare to come to Huangquan to make trouble?!"

"Yeah, I haven't lived enough, come down and play!" Su Wai Wai replied calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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