Chapter 996 The Legendary Naihe Bridge (1)

There are more and more ghosts on the street, and they quickly surrounded Su's mother, son and third child in the middle.As for Baili Liancheng and Xiahou, they were surrounded on the other side, and two groups of people formed two strange circles.

Suwaiwai's mother and son are used to seeing the big world. Although they used to be afraid of ghosts, now that they know that the leader of the ghost is just a sinister villain, they no longer have any fear of ghosts.

I don't know which ghost was the first to strike, and attacked Su Waiwai's face.Su Waiwai used the Peach Blossom Sword to defuse the male ghost's surprise attack, and the male ghost was picked out a few feet away like this.

Thus began the battle.

There are dense crowds of ghosts on the street, and the target they have to deal with is in the middle. If they can't even touch the corner of someone's clothes, they will be kicked far away.

The streets are full of chaos, and everyone regards Su Wai Wai as the ultimate goal of destroying the enemy, but they are not their opponents, and they are picked down one after another...

Ye Qing and Qing'er heard the news and rushed over, watching from the side.

But a quarter of an hour later, he found that Suwaiwai's mother and son had been sitting aside to watch the fun, and only her two artifacts and Suxiaoer's crippled sword were left to deal with the mob.

Although he was extremely unwilling to admit it, it was impossible for these little devils from the underworld to be Su Wai Wai's opponents.

The Peach Blossom Sword is very immoral, if she hadn't left a hand, those ghosts stabbed by the Peach Blossom Sword would have lost their souls.

Because Su Wai Wai saved his hand, the injured ghost saved the last bit of energy.Even so, it would take ten and a half months to lie down for recovery.

Suwaiwai's mother and son watched for a while, and seeing that there was nothing wrong with them, they walked out of the chaotic street.

Not long after they left, the three artifacts flew back to their hands at the same time.

Su Wai Wai walked all the way and saw many restaurants.It looks delicious, but I still can't put my mouth down. I'm always afraid that these are things eaten by ghosts, and they are not suitable for humans like them.

"Mom, it's not fun, why don't we go back?" Su Xiaoer made a suggestion after wandering around.

"No hurry, let's go to the legendary Naihe Bridge first to see the excitement!" Su Waiwai said quietly, then grabbed a little ghost and asked, "Where is the Naihe Bridge?!"

"Naihe Bridge is not a place that anyone can go to, unless a dead person wants to drink Mengpo soup beside the Naihe Bridge and forget the past..."

"Are you annoying? I asked you to show me the way. You talk so much nonsense?!" Su Waiwai interrupted the kid's chatter impatiently.

The little ghost looked at Su Waiwai in amazement, and secretly thought that this girl's temper was too bad for the ghost to bear.

He didn't dare to delay any longer, and quickly pointed out the location of Naihe Bridge.

When Su Waiwai got the exact address, he immediately became interested, and pulled Su Xiaoer towards the direction of Naihe Bridge.

At that moment, Su Wai Wai leaped to Xiao San's back, then dragged Su Xiao Er on board, and went to Naihe Bridge together.

"Master, are you sure you want to go to Naihe Bridge?" Su Waiwai had just sat down when Xiaoqing's voice suddenly sounded.

Su Waiwai was startled, glared at Xiaoqing and asked, "Why are you here?!"

Strange, how did Xiaoqing also enter the underworld? !
Xiaosan frightened her when she was here, she didn't want Xiaoqing to be taken into the underworld quietly without knowing it.

"The master's mother doesn't even think about it. We are in the space of Nocturnal Dreams, and we suddenly found ourselves in the underworld. It's a big surprise. This is also thanks to the master's mother. Otherwise, why would our family come to the underworld to visit the garden?" Xiaoqing said. As soon as they landed, Little Four, Little Eight, and Old Hei all came out of the Nomad Space.

(End of this chapter)

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