Chapter 498 The Crazy Narcissus
"Actually it's not necessary."

In the refining formation, Ye Liushang laughed dumbly, this girl is really stubborn.

"You still have the face to say, who made you dislike this stinky girl, you..."

Shui Xianyao and Ling Qingxue were full of murderous aura, and turned their anger on Ye Liushang's head. Just as they were about to fight him desperately, they suddenly smelled a strange fragrance, and their delicate bodies felt like being electrocuted. Suddenly, a strange feeling arose.


The strange feeling in the body made the two proud girls feel ashamed and indignant, and their hearts couldn't help trembling!
"You, you, what did you witch do to us?"

Narcissus Yao Linghui's cunning temperament was gone, even though she was very angry, her eyes were shy.

"I, I'm going to kill you..."

Ling Qingxue was even more unbearable. This iceberg beauty didn't have the cold arrogance of the past. She was obviously scolding the little demon, but her voice was limp, even with an uncontrollable trill.

Qinghan dodged their powerless culling, and smiled gloatingly: "Look at your coquettishness, this is just the beginning, can't you bear it? It seems that you are too lonely to practice on the fairy mountain on weekdays! "


The two of Ling Qingxue spurted blood angrily, their pretty faces pale.

They can be provoked by such words, which proves that something is wrong with their Dao heart.

In fact, although the effect of Mermaid Love Tears on the body is extraordinary, the effect on the state of mind is truly unique.

The two holy land Tianjiao had only heard about the power of mermaid tears in the ancient books of Xianmen in the past. Although they were afraid just now, they didn't really take it to heart, but now, they have a problem with their Dao heart.

Not only was he vomited blood by the little demon, but the light and shadow in front of him became a little hazy. Looking at the man's back, he felt a sense of majesty that he had never felt before, and his thoughts also rippled.

"No, I can think about these..."

"Sanqing Daoxuan, Hunyuan Xinyi..."

The two aloof and proud girls looked more like women than ever before. They sat slumped on the ground, shedding their fairy appearance. Even though they kept reciting mantras, they couldn't resist their physical and mental sinking.

If the Holy Masters of the Two Great Sacred Grounds knew that the personal Saintess whom he had poured his heart and soul into cultivating had messed up his Dao heart in such a shameful way, he would definitely be furious!

Seeing the confused look of the two women, Qing Han blushed and muttered, "You were so noble just now, but now you're out of control..."

Perhaps because of being a mermaid princess, the girl found that mermaid love tears didn't seem to have that much effect on her. Apart from blushing and heartbeat, there was nothing unusual about it. .

Such a result made the girl a little tired. Just now, she was already ready to have a passionate relationship with someone.

Qinghan watched Ye Liushang's back shyly. Mermaid love tears are not only useful to women, but also have terrible magic power on male creatures.

But after watching for a long time, the girl suddenly found that Ye Liushang was calmer than her, as if she was not affected by the tears of mermaid love at all.

Qinghan couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you overplayed this time."

Ye Liushang smiled quietly. Although the Mermaid Love Tears were powerful, they still couldn't break through his Dao heart.

In fact, this girl didn't know that she made a huge mistake.

Mermaid Love Tears has never been a means of dealing with enemies in the world of sea monsters. On the contrary, it is a sacred item of the mermaid tribe. Only the most beautiful women of the mermaid tribe can have it. It can make mermaid women stay together with their loved ones. , Only when it acts on a foreign race, will it be counterproductive and produce a poisonous effect.

The girl didn't realize that although she wasn't like Tianjiao of the two Holy Lands, there was a subtle change in the way she looked at a certain person. It was shiny, blurred and profound, and when she said those words, she was also insincere.

After a moment of silence, Qinghan sneaked into the refining formation with his body naked, like a loach.

She bent down Xiaoman's waist, wrapped Ye Liushang's neck, blushed, and whispered shyly: "Hey! Do you really feel nothing?"

Speaking of which, the little mermaid princess felt ashamed of herself. She was very surprised why she had such an idea, and she was not embarrassed, but had an inexplicable expectation in her heart.

"Hmph! It really is a little fairy..."

Hearing the girl's words, Narcissian Yao and Ling Qingxue both snorted lightly while their minds were confused, this little demon himself was also poisoned by mermaid love tears, and was poisoned more deeply than them, yet he didn't even know it.

Ye Liushang turned his head, patted the girl's head, and said with a light smile, "I'm really fine, don't worry."

"Oh." Qinghan got up, and retreated resentfully, a look of disappointment flashed in her big eyes.

Not long after, the flames in the sealed chamber completely dissipated, and all the heavenly fire primordial spirits were swallowed up by Liushangyan's immortal soul.

Same as last time, Ye Liushang used most of the spirits to repair the immortal soul, but Ye Liushang had gained a lot in the realm of the physical body.

"Extraordinary period!"

The moment he got up from the refining formation, the powerful breath caused the two women to change color.

With the help of that phoenix's primordial spirit, this guy has stepped from the Sanxian class to the True Monarch class in one fell swoop!
But what surprised the two holy land Tianjiao was that after Ye Liushang stepped into the extraordinary stage, there was no obvious fluctuation of the primordial spirit in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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