Chapter 499 The Angel in the Holy Mirror
The two Holy Land Tianjiao are both of the Transcendent Stage, and they have already stood at this height. They are people who have experienced it, and they can't understand what changes will happen when they break through the Transcendent Stage. After sublimating into a primordial spirit, there will be a strong immobility of the primordial spirit permeating out.

From this point of view, it doesn't look like someone has really entered the extraordinary period.

Ye Liushang put away the refining array, with a calm expression on his face, his physical body has really entered the extraordinary stage, the reason why there is no primordial spirit conceived, it is because the fairy soul with Liushangyan guards this flesh and blood body, Ye Liushang Shang didn't need to spend Dao Yuan at all to re-embody a primordial soul transformed from a human soul.

It can even be said that such things as the primordial spirit are no longer Ye Liushang's pursuit. The purpose of conceiving the primordial spirit is to transcend oneself and pursue the realm of harmony between man and nature, but Ye Liushang has already tasted that high taste.

The flames in the secret room disappeared, and the first thing the two Holy Land Tianjiao did was to quickly take out a suit of clothes and quickly put them on, and then, they stared at Ye Liushang and Qinghan with murderous intent, as if they had become angry from embarrassment because of what happened just now.

But it is a pity that the breath of mermaid love tears is still strong in their bodies, and facing Ye Liushang at this moment with killing intent, the two of them actually feel guilty as if they are planning to murder their husband.

That feeling made them extremely crazy, but it was very real.

"What did this guy do to us?" Shui Xianyao gritted her teeth, wanting to wipe her neck with a knife in embarrassment.

It was clear that nothing happened just now, but it seemed like I had experienced a lingering love-hate relationship. My heart felt like it was branded by something. I clearly hated that person, but I always recalled the shameful scene that was imagined in my mind before.

"He didn't do anything. It was us who were urged by the mermaid love tears to have a problem with our Dao heart. Today's evil fate, I will definitely find you to settle it. We will meet later!"

Ling Qingxue's expression was condensed, the blush had not yet faded, she gave Ye Liushang a complicated look, then turned and left coldly.

She knew that if she could not forget what happened today, she would definitely become a demon in her heart. The existence of this man had become an obstacle to her cultivation of Taoism and immortality, but now, she could not kill this man.


Shui Xianyao snorted and followed her footsteps in a fluttering manner.

"What are these two women crazy about!" Qinghan rolled her eyes blankly.

"The heart calamity of the two of them has nothing to do with me. Whether they can resolve the heart calamity and give up their Dao heart depends on their own comprehension."

Ye Liushang shook his head and smiled, and led her away.

"Oh." Qinghan looked dazed, not knowing what she was thinking.

In the tunnel, they heard the sound of fighting in the inner hall, but it quickly subsided.

The two women are upset now, and they must have no intention of fighting.

"Master Phoenix's flame is extinguished, this kid must have done something!"

"Don't let him slip away!"

Before Ye Liushang and Qinghan walked out of the tunnel, the Blood Emperor and the zombie Wu Bai rushed in aggressively. Just now they let the two women go on purpose to concentrate on dealing with Ye Liushang.

But now that Ye Liushang's strength has increased greatly, even if he faces the old monster and the zombie alone, he is still not afraid.

Throughout the tunnel, the sword light was shining brightly. The Blood Emperor and the Necromancer Zombie suffered a severe setback as soon as they entered, and they were both wounded, terrified.


In a blink of an eye, Ye Liushang forced the two powerful men to exit the tunnel. Muto Taro and the others who were waiting outside seemed to be extremely frightened. It was unbelievable that Ye Liushang was able to beat the blood emperor by himself. And Lord Wu Bai.

At this point, they finally understood that most of the Master Fenghuang they tried their best to rescue had been brutally murdered by this person.

These people had the idea of ​​running away, but before their legs could be pulled up, Qing Han had already rushed over like a ghost, with an evil look on his face: "Where do you want to run?"

The girl immediately slapped her hands hard, her strokes saw blood, and in the blink of an eye, none of these people were left behind.

A cold light flashed across, and Xiu Chuanxi's head fell to the ground, blood splattered like a pillar.

Afterwards, this girl even slapped Muto Taro on the chest, and captured the prince of the big chaebol of the island country alive.

Seeing that the general situation was over, the Blood Emperor unexpectedly performed the Blood Demon Art, and under the cover of a cloud of blood mist, he left the undead zombie Wu Bai and escaped from the temple.


Facing Ye Liushang alone, Wu Bai was even more difficult to parry. After a few rounds, Ye Liushang severely injured Yuanpo with a sword, and then suppressed it on the spot with a talisman array.

"take away!"

Ye Liushang glanced at Muto Taro, and decided to bring this person back to the country together with Wu Bai. Now that the God Emperor Consortium is colluding with the Kong family, they are trying to overturn the Tang family's position in the Galaxy consortium. Handing this person over to Mr. Tang should be Some use.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Qing Han took the two captives and left quietly, while Ye Liushang went to the main hall to rescue those wealthy businessmen and celebrities from all over the world.

When Ye Liushang appeared in the main hall, the exhausted wealthy businessmen and celebrities were all pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Ye, please, take us out together."

"As long as you are willing to save me, I can agree to any conditions."

"Woooooh, Mr. Ye, don't leave us..."

These people begged desperately, and many famous ladies and beauties kept saying good things with tears in their eyes, for fear that Ye Liushang would ignore their lives like yesterday.

"How dare you come here!"

Noah's father and son and those henchmen didn't seem to know what happened in the inner hall. Seeing Ye Liushang come back here, they sternly shouted coldly.

At the same time, Noah and his son tried their best to pray to the goddess in the inner hall, but there was no response.

At this moment, a monk hurried over, leaned into Boss Noah's ear and said a few words, the rich man's face froze instantly: "What? Master Serra disappeared from the holy mirror..."

"Master Serra has disappeared!"

"My God! No!"

"How did this happen, what should we do in the future..."

Not only Boss Noah, but also the surrounding party members were terrified when they heard the news.

"Impossible! Sera is a holy angel, she can't abandon us!" Neo couldn't accept this situation, turned around with a gloomy face, and wanted to go back to the inner hall to prove it.

Since the afternoon until now, the goddess has not allowed them to enter the inner hall. Now that he heard the bad news, this pious monk naturally wanted to ask for clarification.

call out!
But as soon as he turned around, he couldn't move, and a body-fixing talisman was firmly attached to his back.

With a wave of Ye Liushang's hand, a large piece of talisman flew out, and the other followers of Sera Angel were all restrained in place.

"Great, Mr. Ye has great powers and subdued these villains!"

"We are free, we can go out!"

"Mr. Ye is really our savior..."

Seeing that Noah, his son and all his henchmen were captured alive, the wealthy businessmen and celebrities who were trapped for a day and night cheered, and many people were very excited with snot and tears running down their noses.

"Honey, I knew you'd come back and save me, oh god, you're my hero!"

A beautiful woman rushed out from the crowd, came to Ye Liushang and wept with joy, it was Miss Catherine.

(End of this chapter)

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