Chapter 500 Angel or Devil?

"Quick, quick, this way!"

"Where are the medical staff, come quickly, there are wounded here."

"Give me a bottle of water, I've been sleepy all day and night, I'm dying of thirst, thank you..."

At the exit of the temple, the siren blared, and a large number of agents and military police were orderly guiding the wealthy businessmen and celebrities to leave, sending them into the cars one after another.

Many wealthy businessmen and celebrities are still in shock, feeling that more than 30 hours have passed, like a nightmare, too many bizarre events have happened, but now, they are far away from this terrible temple.

At the same time, Noah, his son and his party members were also escorted into the prison car by heavily armed soldiers and people from the Holy See.

This bizarre kidnapping case finally came to an end with the successful rescue of most wealthy businessmen and celebrities. Everyone knew that Ye Liushang was their savior.

The rescue operation was coming to an end, and the three principal persons in charge of the operation came to thank them in person.

"Mr. Ye, you really helped us a lot, I don't even know how to thank you,"

City Police Chief Fizero couldn't hide his excitement. The rescue plan has not progressed for a long time, but he successfully completed the task in such an unexpected way, thanks to the person in front of him.

Ye Liushang nodded slightly, expressing that he didn't care about it.

"He is a warrior and a hero to us all!"

Catherine smiled sweetly, and kept praising Ye Liushang's performance.

After coming out of the temple, this local popular idol held Ye Liushang's arm affectionately and refused to let go. The appearance of the two seemed intimate, which was full of reverie.

"Director, go get busy first." General Hayev, the special military attache from the Elysee Palace, gave the director a wink after exchanging greetings.

"Okay, then I'll take care of the funeral first."

Chief Fizero understood, glanced at Ye Liushang, turned and left.

General Hayev and the senior official of the Security Bureau exchanged glances, then looked at Ye Liushang, and said solemnly: "Mr. Ye, forgive me, according to the confession of the criminal Noah and his son, it seems that you have secretly hidden something during this rescue operation." There are a lot of important evidence and cultural relics in the temple, please cooperate."

"Is there?" Ye Liushang smiled, the evidence and cultural relics mentioned by the other party obviously covered a wide range.

It must include the fragments of the golden shield, the fire spirit ginseng, and the tear of the stars.

"Mr. Ye, you are embarrassing us like this." The old man, a senior official of the Security Bureau, shook his head with a smile, and his wise eyes seemed to want to say that they had already obtained the exact information, and sophistry was useless.

But Ye Liushang didn't intend to quibble, he smiled coldly: "Anyone who wants to take anything that falls into my hands will be considered as a declaration of war against me!"

As soon as this remark came out, the two local dignitaries gasped, feeling inexplicably nervous.

Since they were able to grasp the information, they naturally knew Ye Liushang's ability very well, and in the end all the rich businessmen and celebrities were rescued by Ye Liushang, which already explained many problems.

The old man of the Security Bureau was a little hesitant, but General Hayev, as a high-ranking local military officer, was unwilling to show weakness to the son-in-law of the rich oriental family. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Mr. Ye, don't forget what this place is. We still have a lot of cards to show."

"Then show it to me." Ye Liushang sneered contemptuously. Who else does this old thing want to scare?
"General, with all due respect, you shouldn't have said this to our savior. I demand that we be sent back immediately, otherwise I will contact my lawyer!"

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Catherine, who was leaning against Ye Liushang, suddenly protested angrily and solemnly.

Unexpectedly, the big star's words turned out to be very effective. General Hayev and the old man from the Security Bureau looked very bad, but they didn't refute. Instead, they immediately found a car and sent the two of them out of the suburb.


"Hee hee, the West is a democratic world, so these people are fierce on the surface, but they dare not do anything to us!"

Along the way, Miss Catherine seemed to be in a good mood, as if she was still complacent about her tough performance just now.

Ye Liushang smiled but said, "This is not the key point, the point is that your words are very deterrent to them now."

"Look at what you said, in the eyes of the old guys, I'm just a pawn, an actor..." Catherine smiled, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

"That was before, and in the future, in private, they will all respectfully address you...Master Sera Angel." Ye Liushang stared at this woman with fiery eyes.

Catherine's pretty face froze, and then she suddenly showed a proud and sly smile: "Honey, tell me, when did you suspect me?"

While the woman was speaking, the light in her beautiful pupils flickered slightly, and an invisible energy light curtain had been established between the front and rear seats of the car, and the driver who was driving them could not hear any sound.

Ye Liushang smiled lightly and said, "Since you were ordered to seduce me that night, and you were naked in my room, I discovered the secret of you.

You have a beautiful design of an angel flying on your chest. On the surface it is a tattoo, but in fact it is a seal of God.

You have a divine physique, and if you look at it from the perspective of a cultivator, you are an excellent furnace of soul and body. I am afraid that even you yourself were kept in the dark about this. "

"But what does that have to do with Serra?" Catherine smiled, seeming happy to keep listening.

"In the beginning, I didn't know whose soul cauldron you are, but later when I saw that photo, which is the holy mirror of the angel among the three auctioned wonders, I became somewhat suspicious.

But I was really convinced of this when I went to the inner hall the day before yesterday and asked you for fire ginseng face to face with you.

At that time, although you covered the main body with the blazing sacred brilliance, you couldn't escape my eyes. At that time, there was no one on the altar, only a mirror, and in the mirror, there was an angel's soul. To be precise, it should be She is a very ambitious goddess. Unlike other nihilistic gods, she has got rid of the shackles of the stone statue and parasitized in a spiritual mirror.

The angel in the holy mirror in the background disappeared, and then I knew that when I saw Miss Catherine again, the angel and the body had merged. "

Ye Liushang easily and calmly told how he discovered this secret.

"Heck! You're amazing!" Catherine was a little seriously admiring, but then teased, "As you said, before the fusion, my soul was always trapped in the mirror, and at that time my flesh and blood body, I am still a big star who loves vanity, an agent of the Security Bureau, and I don’t know the secrets of my body, I don’t seem to have such a great ability to direct everything after that!”

"That's because the presidential palace, that is, the Elysee Palace, has been helping you." Ye Liushang said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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