Chapter 97 Are you willing? (4)

If Yan Sijue hadn't been desperate, he would never have chosen to gag her in this way, but the effect was good, and he was relieved.

In the next moment, this savage kiss suddenly became gentle.

At first, it was just sucking and rubbing between the lips, but gradually, he seemed not satisfied, and his big hand quickly locked the back of her neck.Bully stepped forward, with scorching lips and tongue rushing straight in, arrogantly attacking her city, sweeping back and forth wantonly in her mouth repeatedly.


Ye Xingtong felt a little suffocated, and instinctively wanted to push him away, but he couldn't use his hands at all.

At the same time, her resistance attracted even stronger suppression from Yan Sijue.

A deep kiss, almost to the heart.

After an unknown amount of time, Yan Sijue finally stopped tormenting her, but just as he let go of his big hand, Ye Xingtong, who was almost suffocated by the kiss, softened and fell into his arms in despair.


In the ear, Yan Sijue's chuckle, almost panting, came in vain.

Ye Xingtong felt her head explode with a bang, and her little face instantly flushed red. In a panic, she covered her mouth, sucked her nose forcefully, trying to get up.

However, with Yan Sijue's big hand in his arms, she was tightly imprisoned in his arms.

"Do not cry?"

God knows how helpless Yan Sijue felt when he asked this question.

Ye Xingtong was taken aback, or had heard the deep meaning in his words, suddenly felt embarrassed, simply lowered her head not to look at him, bit her lips and remained silent to the end.

Yan Sijue suddenly tightened his arms, lightly touched her back with his big hand, and patted her lightly, as if to soothe her unsettled sobs, with an indescribably awkward voice, "It is said that women are made of water, I didn't believe it at first, but today, I have no choice but to believe it too! Ye Xingtong, how could you cry so many tears, ah?"

Such a question sounds weird.

Especially when Ye Xingtong was lying in his arms, with a red face and out of breath, there was an indescribable ambiguity.

"Don't talk? You don't want to talk to me?"

Yan Sijue held her waist with one hand, leaned lazily on the sofa, glanced at her with rippling evil eyes, and narrowed them suddenly, "If you plan to never talk to me again, I will have many kinds of things. A way, let you take the initiative to speak."

Hearing this tone, the threat is really smooth.

Ye Xingtong took a deep breath, bit her lip, raised her head angrily, and looked at him who was so close, "You want to hear what I say?"

After the heart-piercing cry, her throat was hoarse in pain.

Yan Sijue frowned when he heard this, and calmly said, "Ye Xingtong, can't you have a better attitude when you face me? That time, you didn't cry like this, I told you , I hate to see women's tears!"

"Why don't you review yourself, what did you do to hurt the world!"

Ye Xingtong snorted coldly, and turned his head awkwardly.

"It's natural for a man to want to have sex with a woman. It's not unreasonable!"

"If the woman doesn't want to, it's rape."

"I'm just proposing a deal!"

"I didn't agree!"

Ye Xingtong raised her head suddenly, with a tense face, she said in an unusually firm and cold voice, "Yan Sijue, I refuse to pay with money, because I am not a cheap woman."

PS: Wait for Ten Hearts to have no more stomach pain these two days, try to add more for you

(End of this chapter)

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