Chapter 98 Are you willing? (5)


Yan Sijue seemed a little surprised, raised his eyebrows, and smiled wickedly, "If you can measure it with money, then what do you think you are worth?"

"I have no price, because I won't sell myself!"

"But you just said that if you are not cheap, then the price must be high. If it is the price, there must be a number. Let's hear it!"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Xingtong was startled, looked at his chuckle with eyes full of wariness, paused, she raised her lips suddenly, and smiled proudly, "Are you asking me how much a night is worth? Well, I'll tell you, my price is Billion, so I..."

Yan Sijue narrowed his eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled charmingly, "One billion a night, right? Okay, I'll pay you back your [-] million, and I'll give you another [-] million!"

Ye Xingtong's heart skipped a beat, his back tensed instantly, "What did you say?"

"One billion, I'll buy you for one night!"

Yan Sijue sat up abruptly, wrapped her waist tightly with his big hands, and leaned closer, his breath almost touching her face, "You spend the night with me, I will give you back your freedom, and I will give you another [-] million!"

As soon as the words fell, Yan Sijue suddenly lifted Ye Xingtong's buttocks, and when her legs subconsciously clamped around his waist, he walked towards the lounge.

This move frightened Ye Xingtong.

"Ah! No, no, I just said that I am worth a billion, and I have no intention of selling it!"

Yan Sijue paused, turned his head suddenly, and put Ye Xingtong on the wine cabinet, squeezed his body between her legs, and at the same time pushed him a little closer.

This posture has always been dangerous and ambiguous.

"If you do it again with me, you will be free. Isn't it a good deal for you?"

"You can't force me, I have the right to refuse!"

Ye Xingtong's eyes widened in panic, and he quickly refused. Fortunately, after hearing her words this time, Yan Sijue didn't insist on asking for it again.

Yan Sijue closed his eyes and suddenly smiled, "Okay, I won't force you. Within one month's time limit, you still have the benefit of repaying the [-] million redemption overnight. However, if the time limit expires, this benefit will be canceled automatically. You have to sacrifice more than just one night."

Every word in the lazy voice contained obvious threats.

Ye Xingtong's heart beat like a drum, he blinked stiffly, then suddenly narrowed his eyes, as if he had sensed something.

"Yan Sijue..."

"You decided to do it with me?"

"no no!"

What kind of thinking is this man!
Ye Xingtong frowned and roared indignantly in his heart, but his reaction affirmed her doubts even more.After hesitating for a moment, she asked him with a tentative look, uncertainly, "So you do so many things, say these things around, and the final goal is just to get my second time?"

"Yes, because I just want to sleep with you, it's that simple!"

Yan Sijue smiled wantonly, deceiving himself in vain, his lips almost touched hers, rubbing against hers lightly, "Are you willing?"

Ye Xingtong trembled all over, and before she could subconsciously retort, another voice from the stairs interrupted her thoughts.

"Absolutely, business is coming!"

Beitangsi, who had left, went back to the basement again, but again he didn't choose the right time.

After saying that, he had already reached the corner, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Yan Sijue and Ye Xingtong's intimate posture in his line of sight.After breaking through the fierce battle, he just froze in surprise, and immediately explained, "SORRY, I didn't know what you were doing..."

(End of this chapter)

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