Great Demon

Chapter 100 Surrender

Chapter 100 Surrender
"Kill!" The blood silkworm Taoist stared at Yin Hong, and spit out a scorching blood silkworm from his mouth. Countless juices were splashed out from the explosion, and they shot towards Jiang Shang crazily with terrifying corrosiveness.

The blood silkworm is an extremely vicious creature. Its juice can corrode human bones and consume the soul. Even Jindan experts are very afraid of it.

"Go away!" Jiang Shang naturally couldn't allow himself to be attacked. He roared violently, and a strong white light shot out from his body. First, he crushed the attacking blood silkworm juice, and then he remained undiminished. Frantically crushing towards the enemy.

"What, it's impossible..." Taoist Blood Silkworm's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly wanted to back away.

He only felt a powerful force that enveloped his entire body in an instant. If he didn't retreat, it would be extremely dangerous.

"Want to run? You are dreaming, condense your sword skills, kill me..." But how could Jiang Shang let him run away, only to see a series of sword lights rushing out of his body, condensing into a huge lightsaber in the air, Bombarding towards the blood silkworm Taoist with terrifying power, even the space along the way was trembling slightly, one can imagine how amazing the power of this sword is.

Seeing this terrifying huge lightsaber, Taoist Xuecan suddenly changed his face and said: "The condensed sword technique of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, are you from the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect?"

He is also a person who entered the evil ruins from the outside world, so he naturally knows the famous Condensing Sword Art of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.
As one of the three most powerful forces in Baizhou County, Sky Splitting Sword Sect naturally has enough deterrent power.

"Since you know Ning Jianshu, you should know my identity. I will give you another chance now, either surrender or die!" Jiang Shang looked at Taoist Blood Silkworm and said quietly.

Taoist Blood Silkworm did not refuse this time, but struggle flashed in his eyes.He had seen the opponent's strength and guessed the identity of the opponent, but even so, he was still full of unwillingness to make him surrender.

But not submitting is death, how could he be willing to die?
Taoist Blood Silkworm gritted his teeth suddenly, then looked at Jiang Shang and said decisively: "If you can take my last blow, I am willing to surrender to you and merge Blood Silkworm Palace into Black Eagle Palace."

"Let's do it." Jiang Shang was not surprised, and was ready to speak.

At any rate, the other party is also a mid-term Golden Core strongman. If the other party cannot be completely convinced, it is impossible to talk about surrender. A strong man still has the pride of being a strong man.

next moment.

I saw the blood silkworm Taoist gritted his teeth fiercely, and took out a blood-red round bead from his arms, which exuded extremely restless blood, even Jiang Shang, who was tens of meters away, couldn't help frowning Wrinkled tightly.

"Palace Master Jiang, be careful!" Taoist Xuecan let out a low growl, bursting blood burst out of his body, he controlled the blood-red ball to blast out, and rushed towards Jiang Shang violently.

A low-grade magic weapon?

Jiang Shang's expression changed suddenly, and the bone god's pattern turned violently: "The god's pattern possesses the body, the bone's real body!"

The Bone Avatar is a powerful holy body of the heavens. If one can fully cultivate this holy body, even a high-ranking immortal will be nothing but an ant.Although it is impossible for Jiang Shang to reach that height now, he has already grasped a little superficial strength, which is completely enough to deal with the current situation.

His body had turned into the color of white bones, and he had exploded into a nine-foot-tall giant, and was hit hard by the blood-red ball.


Hearing a dull impact, Taoist Xuecan said in shock, "What, it's impossible!"

The other party actually resisted this blow, and it was still unscathed. He didn't know what to say, and his heart was full of inconceivable absurdity. What kind of monster is this guy? Why is even the flesh so terrifying?
My blood silkworm bead is a low-grade magic weapon of the earth rank, not the broken copper and rotten iron of those human ranks...

"How can I do it now, are you satisfied?" Jiang Shang held the blood silkworm bead directly in his big hand, looked at the blood silkworm and said in a voice like thunder.

In fact, despite the fact that he is fine on the surface, his blood is still surging in secret. He underestimated the power of the low-grade magic weapon of the earth rank, so this caused him a lot of shocks, and he was able to suppress these shocks. Outsiders will naturally see I don't know his details anymore.

The blood silkworm Taoist fell silent when he heard the words, but felt insulted in his heart. He is a strong mid-stage Jindan, so he really wants to surrender to this kid?

When Jiang Shang saw this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his voice became cold: "It's very good, it's not right."

A powerful aura gushed out from his body, pressing towards Taoist Xuecan, a trace of panic appeared behind him, he gritted his teeth, and finally conceded: "My lord, stop, Xuecan is willing to surrender!"

Only then did Jiang Shang stop looking at the other party, his eyes flickered and his tone was cold: "Finally figured it out?"

Taoist Xuecan's eyelids twitched, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous. He looked at Jiang Shang and bowed respectfully and said, "My subordinate Taoist Xuecan, I have seen the Lord Palace Master!"

"Very good." Jiang Shang nodded in satisfaction, turned around and looked at the formation and shouted: "Black Eagle, stop."

The formation located in the canyon trembled slightly, a layer of dark devilish energy emerged on the surface, followed by a gap in the middle of that layer of devilish energy, and then opened quickly, releasing all the people inside.

"Heiying, you killed Fang Yu?" A sharp roar suddenly sounded, and Taoist Blood Silkworm looked at Heiying angrily, his eyes full of killing intent.

It turns out that Fang Yu, one of the three golden elixirs of the Blood Silkworm Palace, has completely disappeared at this moment. There is no doubt that he should have died in the formation.How could Taoist Xuecan not be angry when his former subordinate was killed like this?
Hei Ying was fearless, looked at Taoist Xuecan and sneered: "So what if you kill him?"

"You..." Taoist Xuecan's expression changed, and his face was full of fury.

"Shut up." At this time, Jiang Shang finally spoke, and said coldly: "Since it's a war, how can people not die? Anyway, it's just a waste at the early stage of Golden Core, and if it dies, it will die. This matter Let it go like this, don’t mention it again.”

"...Yes." Taoist Blood Silkworm said unwillingly.

Although he was extremely unwilling in his heart, what could he do?People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

As soon as Hei Ying saw that Taoist Xuecan softened his clothes, a look of joy burst into his eyes immediately, and then he glanced behind him, sneered at the iron-handed old monster and said, "I said the iron-handed old monster, he hasn't come yet Do you want to meet the Palace Master?"

With a flash of his eyes, the sturdy iron-handed old monster flew to Jiang Shang's side and bowed respectfully: "I'm under the iron hand, I have seen the palace master!"

"En..." Jiang Shang nodded slightly, glanced at those innate creatures, and said in a calm and high-pitched voice: "From now on, Blood Silkworm Island will be renamed Black Eagle Island, and Blood Silkworm Palace will no longer exist. Eagle Palace, do you understand?"

"Black Eagle Palace! Black Eagle Palace! Black Eagle Palace..." All the innate beings shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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