Chapter 101 One Year

Ever since Taoist Blood Silkworm chose to surrender, Blood Silkworm Island, oh no, Black Eagle Island has become the territory of Black Eagle Palace.Jiang Shang re-divided responsibilities. Taoist Blood Silkworm, Black Eagle, and Iron Hand monster were assigned to be the elders of Black Eagle Palace. As for the remaining innate creatures, they were still the same as before.

In this place of evil ruins full of killings, at least the Jindan powerhouse has the right to speak, and the innate creatures are just a bunch of cannon fodder.

However, after all, a force still needs their support, and it is useless to rely solely on Jindan powerhouses, so they are still an important part of the Black Eagle Palace.

After half a month like this, Jiang Shang took care of all the miscellaneous matters, and then took a bunch of cultivation resources, entered the Yuanye Earth vein without hesitation, and temporarily turned it into a forbidden area, and practiced there alone .

His goal is to replace Sanmudao as soon as possible, but his current strength is far from enough, so he must improve as soon as possible.

One year later.

Fifteen hundred miles away from Black Eagle Island, there is a beautiful ring-shaped island. Although this place looks very beautiful, mentioning its name makes people tremble.

Because this island is Sanmu Island, the most powerful force in this sea area.

In a certain palace on this island, there was a hunchbacked old man with a third eye between his brows, giving off a very gloomy look.

And not far from him, a middle-aged man looked at his waist respectfully, and slowly asked the rickety old man: "Master Sanmu, did you call me?"

Lord Sanmu, is this old man with three eyes the old man with three eyes?

The rickety old man nodded slightly, and said indifferently to the middle-aged man: "The day to collect the Eleven Island Yuan Liquid is coming soon. I just need a lot of Yuan Liquid to practice recently. This time I will double the share. Feng Lan, this one You can handle the matter yourself, so that you won’t be able to control the scene when the time comes, and some troublesome things will happen for nothing.”

As a subordinate of Sanmu Island, Eleven Island needs time to turn in the offerings every once in a while to show its sincerity as a subordinate force.

In the past, it was once every five years, 2 yuan a time, but now the old man with three eyes has to double. If this news spreads, it will definitely cause an uproar.

4 yuan, this is not a small number.

"Yes, I understand." But the middle-aged man didn't care, just nodded slightly and said.

It would definitely be very difficult for Eleven Island to come up with 4 yuan in liquid, but he didn't seem to be worried at all, obviously full of confidence in his ability.

But it's no wonder that this person's name is Yun Lan, and he is a strong man at the peak of Jindan mid-stage. In this sea area, except for the old man with three eyes, almost no one can compete with him, so he personally took charge of this matter. It can be said that it was [-]% to [-]% successful, because who on Eleven Island would dare to refuse him?

Only powerful people have the real right to speak!
"Go ahead, I'll wait for you." The old man with three eyes also nodded, and smiled slightly.

Feng Lan's strength is not much weaker than him, but he is able to do things for him willingly, which is one of the things he is most proud of.


Look at Black Hawk Island again.

After Jiang Shang's unification, Black Eagle Island has completely changed its appearance. The Black Eagle Palace has been developed into the center of the island, and the number of disciples has grown from more than 100 to more than 200, and these disciples are basically innate creatures. It can also be regarded as a very powerful fighting force.

As for Blood Silkworm, Black Eagle and others, they also forgot about the hostility at the beginning. They are now a group, and there is no need to make the relationship stiff.

The people in the place of evil ruins are so realistic, anyway, being alive is more important than anything else!

On this day, the old monster Iron Hand returned from the Yuanye Earth Vein, found the blood silkworm and the black eagle in the palace, and took out a mustard seed full of Yuanye: "This is the 4 yuan liquid that the Lord Palace Master gave me. Twenty thousand was handed over to Sanmu Island, and the remaining twenty thousand was for our cultivation."

Hei Ying took the mustard seed, and asked the iron hand suspiciously: "Has the Palace Master not left the customs yet?"

Because he was the first elder to follow Jiang Shang, so his status is higher, and he is basically in charge of the current affairs of the Black Eagle Palace.

"Not yet." Tie Shou shook his head slightly, and then sighed in a tone: "However, the strength of the Lord Palace Master has become stronger again, and the entire earth vein is now shrouded in his breath. It is incredible to be able to feel a suffocating smell!"

"Master Palace Master is an elite disciple of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, so how can we casual cultivators be able to compare?" Taoist Blood Silkworm interjected.

Heiying's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he suddenly asked: "You tell me, what is the cultivation level of the palace master? Could it be that he has not yet entered the golden core realm?"

"You said the Lord Palace Master didn't enter the Golden Core?" Taoist Xuecan frowned and said, "Although we can't see through his cultivation level, it's unlikely that such a thing...can innate beings be so powerful? "

Jiang Shang has the secret technique of the White Bone Nine Heavens Map to restrain Qi, and it is impossible for ordinary people to see through his cultivation base, so this is also a question in their minds, what is the cultivation base of this Palace Master.

"I don't believe that none of you have noticed that there is a bit of innate aura in the aura of the Palace Mistress. Although it is extremely faint, you can definitely feel it."

"Also, it is the condensed sword technique of the palace master. The innate sword light of Wanjian Jue is silver-white. If it is the golden core sword light, it is dark gold. Blood silkworm, tell me, what color was the sword light you saw back then? ?" Black Hawk asked.

"This..." Xue Cang recalled the scene at the beginning, and suddenly his eyes trembled: "It seems that the sword is really silver. Could it be that he is really born?"

It's just that he can defeat him in the middle stage of Golden Core, so if the opponent enters the realm of Golden Core, wouldn't it mean that even the strong players in the late Golden Core stage will not be his opponents?His heart had already begun to tremble slightly.

This is simply a terrifying genius!

"Since the Palace Mistress is unwilling to disclose, then we'd better not guess blindly, so as not to get into trouble, it's not cost-effective." At this moment, the iron-handed old monster said slowly.

Hei Ying nodded, and said in agreement, "Tie Shou is right, so don't make wild guesses."

While they were chatting, an extremely fast figure came from the dark sea to the shore. After the blue light surrounding him dissipated, an ordinary middle-aged face appeared. This person was none other than It was Feng Lan.

"This is the third island, hurry up and go to the next one." After Feng Lan murmured, she flew into the hinterland of Black Eagle Island.

(End of this chapter)

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