Chapter 1001 Cooperation?

Entering the secret realm of the Holy Land, Jiang Shang did not walk around aimlessly.But along a specific direction, along the way.

The places he walked and the various battles he encountered made him frown.

Along the way, it was extremely chaotic.What caused these chaos was all kinds of treasures, such as the blood of the ancient sages, the inheritance of magical powers, and strange ores.

But the weird thing is that the rolling mountains are so peaceful!

All kinds of treasures seem to be placed there, waiting for someone to come and pick them up.And among the mountains, rivers and dense forests, there is not even a decent beast!
To be honest, he didn't even bother to talk to the three arrogant monks in front of him.There were more and more doubts in his heart, which made him not in the mood to fight with others.

But since they came here to seek death, he was more than happy to give them a ride.

Jiang Shang uttered the words 'seeking his own death', and his body disappeared in place. In an instant, he came to the young man in red robe, raised his hand gently, and placed his palm on his chest.

Suddenly, only the roar of the wind and thunder was heard, and the sound of cracking the sky exploded in the sky.

The young man in the red robe couldn't defend himself, he didn't have time to react, he was blown away by the palm, trembling all over his body, a Dawson white divine light burst out continuously.Almost instantly, this person became covered in blood, with numerous wounds all over his body, and his robe was torn.


There was a pitiful scream, and the red-robed youth was like a ghost of the nine ghosts at this moment, and fell limply to the ground, his limbs and bones were shattered, and his pulse was broken!
Until then, the other two turned their heads and looked over in horror.The red-robed youth was seriously injured in an instant, making them cold all over, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, and their faces pale.

"Hiss! What the hell did this monster provoke!"

"It's over, it's over, I can't escape death today..."

The two turned their heads tremblingly, and looked at Jiang Shang in great horror. They had completely lost the courage to resist, shaking like chaff.

Jiang Shang slowly withdrew his palm, and said coldly, "Aren't you going to get out?"

The two of them immediately fled away as if they had received an amnesty, no matter how the red-robed young man screamed and shouted, they ignored them all.

However, before the two of them could fly a thousand feet away, they saw that the calm pool seemed to be boiling, one golden and one red, and two sword qi pierced the sky, cutting off the two of them horizontally, spilling blood into the sky.

Jiang Shang didn't pay any attention to the young man in red robe, his heart was blown off by his palm, and he died soon.If you're lucky, you'll still be able to leave a sliver of immortality in the abandonment of your physical body.If you are unlucky, if you meet other monks again, you will have to die.

"After hiding for so long, are you finally willing to show yourself?" Jiang Shang's voice was still indifferent, but his words were full of murderous intent.

During the journey of thousands of miles, not only the three young men in red robes followed him, but also several other powerful men who were hiding in the dark.

The two sword qi just now came from two completely different people, but their power is so powerful that even the three immortals are hard to resist!

With such two guys with unknown motives around him, it would be strange if Jiang Shang was so nice and angry!

A young man in a gorgeous brocade robe stepped on the waves and strode up into the air with a gentle smile on his face.

On the other side, on the mountain peak where the Taotao Waterfall hangs, there is a young man with a face as white as jade, dressed in a black robe just like Jiang Shang.But the dense sword light rippling on the robe showed that this robe was not ordinary clothing.

The sound of piercing the sky exploded, and a black ray of light burst into the sky. The screaming young man in red was pierced through the head by a black arrow and died on the spot!

At this time, an extremely unruly voice came: "Noisy!"

The young man in brocade robe stood thousands of feet away from Jiang Shang, with steam surging under his feet, and said with a smile: "Okay, everyone is here."

Before the words were finished, a figure galloped towards him from the jungle in the distance.

Jiang Shang fixed his eyes and saw a young man holding a huge longbow, flying barefoot in the air, and his ragged clothes fluttering in the wind.Before the figure reached the front, a fierce and savage air rushed towards him.

There are also three young monks with terrifying cultivation bases, but compared to the three young men in red robes, these three guys are stronger, each of them has the cultivation base of the post-immortal third middle school, and their arrogance is overwhelming.

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and his heart was awe-inspiring.He can ignore the three young men in red robes.But the three people in front of them are more powerful than the other, and they should not be underestimated.

Whether it's the two sword qi of different colors, or the black arrow that pierces through the air, they all possess terrifying power.

Jiang Shang's face was still indifferent, and he said coldly: "What do you mean by the three?"

The young man in brocade robe smiled gently and said, "Don't be nervous, brother. The three of us have no malicious intentions, but we just want to ask for proof."

The black-clothed young man flew into the air with a cold sword aura, and said in the same cold way: "The three of us together attack you, and there is no chance of winning. What are you worried about?"

The ragged longbow youth grinned and said, "That's right. After half a day, I'll see you walk all the way without disturbing anyone, but you can get what you want. Your strength should be hidden a lot, Ha ha……"

Jiang Shang was expressionless and didn't intend to answer.The words of the young man in black had another meaning. If he made a move, Jiang Shang had no chance of winning with one against three.

Once they fight, both sides will only suffer from mutual losses, and it will be of no benefit to anyone.

The young man in brocade robe didn't change his gentle smile, and said with a smile: "The three of us are all from different forces in Mirror Moon City. Presumably, brother also knows that with our strength, we can't be called the pride of heaven. As a practitioner, it is natural to have wild ambitions in your heart."

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed to the other two, and said, "This guy with a cold face all day long is named Wu Peng. One of the heads of Tianwei Trading Company is his father. It's just that there are many children in their family, and he There are also several elder brothers with outstanding talents, so they are not taken seriously. The guy who can't leave his bow is the young master of the Thunder Eagle Clan outside Mirror Moon City, named Lei Zhan, and the situation is similar. Son, not a direct inheritance."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Jiang Shang and said: "In general, the three of us belong to the children of powerful forces who are strong enough, but have no status, and are depressed. After half a day of hiding and observing in secret, I found that the strength of my brother is superior. He is the best person to work with.”

Jiang Shang's heart was ups and downs. Each of these three people had extraordinary backgrounds, but they just found him?I'm afraid it's not as simple as just cooperation.Maybe it was to let myself die for them!

All the way up to today, Jiang Shang has experienced various conspiracies and calculations, and almost died in them many times.These three people suddenly appeared and showed their kindness very kindly?If it is said that there is nothing dirty in it, no ghost will believe it!

Jiang Shang said indifferently: "Let's just explain why you're here."

As the son of the princess, he doesn't have the slightest attitude of rebelliousness. If this person is not really open-minded, he must be a treacherous and evil generation with a deep city.

The brocade-robed youth restrained his expression, and said solemnly: "Brother, the three of us watched you walk all the way, but found that this secret place is full of doubts?"

(End of this chapter)

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