Chapter 1002
The rumbling sound of the waterfall rushing, echoed in this piece of heaven and earth.

Jiang Shang looked indifferent, staring sharply at the young man in brocade robe, and said, "So what?"

The young man in brocade robe smiled, a gleam of light flashed in his golden eyes, and said: "If that's the case, then I, Xingluan, have found the right person."

He didn't continue talking, but turned to look at Wu Peng.Wu Peng frowned impatiently, and said: "The secret realm is divided into three levels. This is the outermost area, and there are no ferocious birds and beasts. If you want rarer and more precious things, you must enter the second secret realm."

Jiang Shang's heart was like a mirror, and he sneered, "I'm afraid it's not that easy to enter the second secret realm, right?"

The three guys in front of them are powerful and powerful, and their breath is unparalleled.Compared with Gu Haoran and Gu Zhen of the Sirius Clan, it is not yet known who is weaker or stronger.

With such a cultivation level, it was three people joining forces, but they came to the door to win over Jiang Shang?
Wu Peng's words made Jiang Shang more vigilant.

There are actually three secret realms in the ancient holy land?If it is said that this is only the peripheral area, then the purpose of the various arrangements made by the ancient ancestor of Sirius and others has been clearly revealed!
Lei Zhan stroked the giant longbow in his hand, and said contemptuously, "Nonsense. If it was so easy to get in, why would we come here to look for you?"

When Jiang Shang heard the words, his eyes froze immediately, and he said coldly: "Do you want to die?"

The monstrous momentum exploded, like a wave of wolf smoke rising into the sky, and circles of violent energy swept out, setting off a terrifying storm like a stormy sea!
The dazzling white-bone divine pattern suddenly appeared, and a faintly chanted sound of gods and demons resounded throughout the universe.

Jiang Shang stepped towards where Lei Zhan was.The unmatched might instantly turned its direction, and came crashing down.

"Damn! You crazy!"

Lei Zhan was startled by Jiang Shang, and his figure suddenly moved, leaving a series of phantoms in place, and he came thousands of feet away in an instant.

Stabilizing his figure, Lei Zhan turned around abruptly, his muscular arm instantly pulled away the giant longbow, and an arrow with amazing power slowly condensed, as black as ink, with sharp edges.

Lei Zhan's eyes showed a ruthless look, and he roared ferociously: "Boy, if you give you a little good looks, you dare to turn the world upside down? This young master will destroy you physically and mentally!"

The expression of the brocade-robed youth named Xingluan changed drastically, and Wu Peng at the side also showed a look of astonishment. Immediately, the two flew away without looking back, and they were tens of miles away in an instant.

On the way to flee, Xingluan cursed with an extremely ugly face: "This lunatic Lei always sabotages my plans at critical moments!"

Relatively speaking, Wu Peng's expression was a little plain, but his eyes that turned his head and looked into the distance revealed a look of deep fear.

The Thunder Eagle family is not a big force in Jingyue County.In terms of the comprehensive strength of this tribe, it can be squeezed into the second-rate ranks.

However, the reason why the Thunder Eagle clan is what it is today is entirely due to innate inadequacies.

The Thunder Eagle was originally a powerful race second only to the fairy beasts, but because of its extremely fierce and domineering innate supernatural powers, the Dao of Heaven and Earth was not tolerated.Like many fairy birds, this race is also sparsely populated.

Being able to become a second-rate force in Mirror Moon City is all because of the innate supernatural powers of this race, which is outrageously powerful!
About [-] years ago, there were other tribes who wanted to use taboo secret techniques to plunder the innate supernatural powers of this race. As a result, they were counterattacked by the heaven and earth thunder calamity, and they were devastated. In the end, the entire tribe was annihilated in the long river of time.

Born with the supernatural ability to control thunder, every generation of Thunder Eagle Clan children is destined to become the focus of world attention as soon as they are born.

The young children of this generation of Thunder Eagle Clan are different from previous years.In the past, there was only one Tianjiao in each generation, but this time there are three!
The three Tianjiao people including Lei Zhan are three brothers from the same mother.However, for the sake of tribal inheritance and the future position of patriarch, the relationship between the three is not harmonious.

At the same time, the current Patriarch of the Leiying Clan also criticized Lei Zhan quite a bit, so that Lei Zhan's status went from bad to worse.

This time when the ancient holy land was opened, his two elder brothers both received the invitation in the name of tribal arrogance, but he could only enter the secret realm of the holy land alone like thousands of ordinary monks.

Xingluan and Wu Peng are representatives of the children of powerful forces who had the same experience as him.These three guys are all close to Tianjiao in the tribe, but they are slightly inferior in strength and cultivation, and they don't get the attention they deserve.

Since they are only one line behind Tianjiao, the three of them naturally refuse to admit defeat.So after entering the secret realm of the Holy Land, the three of them gathered again, intending to take advantage of their advantages in intelligence. In order not to be hunted, they could only break into the second secret realm first.

They are very clear that the many strong men and monks who were sent to the outer area are all prey kept in the secret realm in disguise!

Those Tianjiao people look down on these people, and they don't care much about the peripheral treasures, so they naturally take advantage of the elite children of the major forces and tribes.Among them, the Sirius clan took a big advantage.

In fact, these days, the three of Xingluan tried to break through the seal barrier more than once, but failed again and again.In the end, disheartened, he had no choice but to return to find someone to cooperate with.

Jiang Shang was the fifth target they selected, and he was also one of the most suitable candidates so far.

Of the four people before this, three of them collided with Lei Zhan, who was even more rebellious, because of their rebelliousness, and were killed by an arrow by him, and died on the spot.None of the three immortal third-level powerhouses can stop Lei Zhan's shocking arrow!
As for the last of the last four, he angered Wu Peng because of his indecent words, and died in the end.

In general, none of the trio, including Xingluan, was someone to be easily provoked.They were born in a powerful force and have been suppressed for many years. Their chests have already been filled with monstrous resentment and moodiness.

What surprised Xingluan was that the person he met today was even more moody than them, and he did it without warning!
The whole plan failed again this time, and it was hard to find a guy who was strong enough and able to lead the way... Xing Luan gritted his teeth fiercely, and growled: "Lei Zhan, this thing is more than successful than failure!"

When he turned his head, he found that Wu Peng was stunned in place with a terrified expression on his face, and he suddenly said dissatisfied: "I said, Mr. Wu, you can't do it, can you?"

Suddenly, the terrifying air wave that swept from a distance caused Xingluan's expression to change, and he turned his head to look in horror.

I saw, tens of miles away, beside the Taotao Waterfall, a bone giant standing in the sky, swinging a fist as huge as a mountain, smashing the arrow that pierced through the air with one punch!
The flashing lightning flashed and raged.Layers of bone-like energy shook the sky!


At this moment, the universe shook violently, and the land collapsed and the ground cracked!
(End of this chapter)

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